my water broke !

205 7 4

Time jump !
General pov :
Stella is now officially 35 weeks pregnant , and due any day now . Both her and Kelly are beyond excited . She knew this baby was coming out sooner than later , and the excitement hit nerves she is feeling are slowly becoming real to her .
"Hey squad , where is Severide?" Stella asked , with a sigh of pain .
"I think his office . You feeling alright?" Cruz asked looking up at her .
"Baby isn't being nice . But , thank you" Stella says and walks away .
"She's gonna have this baby soon , I can see it" Tony said and all the squad members agreed .
"Yeah , she is" Cruz said nodding his head .
"Babe , I need to go home" Stella says going into Kelly's office .
"Why , what's wrong?" Kelly asks setting his pin down to face her .
"I'm in so much pain!" Stella says sitting down . "What if it's time?" .
"You need to be here , you have Brett and Violet if you go in labor . Closer to an ambulance then at home" Kelly says standing up .
"I know , but" Stella starts to say but gets interrupted .
"No but's , you are staying here . Do you need me to go get the girls?" Kelly asked rubbing her back .
"No , I'll be fine" Stella says in pain , trying to smile the pain off at the same time .
"Are you having contractions?" Kelly asked . "Here lay down , put your feet up" .
"Not really , but I wanna go home" Stella says laying down , mostly cause Kelly was forcing her to .
"Baby , I know but you need to stay here" Kelly says grabbing her hands . "I want you by my side ,  just in case" .
"I can't , I need to go home" Stella said standing up .
"Babe , please" Kelly begs . "Please baby!" .
"Kelly , I promise it's for my own health . It's not like she is coming out , she is just being a pain . I won't give birth without you by my side" Stella said in a soft tone to calm him down .
"Fine ! But you need to keep me updated" Kelly says hugging Stella .
"I will . I'm gonna go home and rest . Be safe , and I'll see you tonight" Stella says giving him a kiss before walking away , making Kelly nervous .
After Stella gets home she's out like a light and so is the baby , thankfully .
After Kelly gets back from a call about a two hours later , he calls Stella to check up on her . 
"Hello?" Stella says in a sleeping voice .
"Hey honey ! Were you asleep?" Kelly asks with a smile hearing her voice .
"Not really , I was about to wake up to pee"  Stella says uncovering herself .
"I just wanted to check up on you and the baby" Kelly says .
"Baby is okay , she's calmed down thank god!" Stella says standing up . "I'm exhausted" She said yawning .
"I understand , well I'll see you later tonight ! I love you" Kelly says with a smile .
"I love you too , bye baby" Stella says and hangs up . Kelly on the other hand had decided to go eat with everyone else , he was really stressed not having his wife there . He didn't wanna miss out the birth of his daughter , but he knew Stella wouldn't let him .
"Hey Severide , you okay?" Casey asks as Kelly sat down .
"Yeah , just stressed" Kelly says sighing .
"Why?" Brett asked taking a bit of her food .
"Hey , where is Stella ?" Violet asked remembering she hasn't seen her at all since this morning .
"What did we all miss?" Chief asks thinking only one thing making everyone go quiet .
"Stella thought the baby was ready , I wanted her to stay closer to Brett and Violet if she goes into labor" Kelly said with a sigh "Just hoping she doesn't go into labor without me".
"Severide , you are overthinking it . Stella wouldn't do that to you , I know she wouldn't . She's madly in love with you and wants to have this baby with you by her side , and I know we all can see it . How much she's in love with you" Casey says and everyone agrees with me .
"Stella wouldn't do that to you man , the baby won't be delivered without her dad there to meet her into this world . Trust me , I know it might be stressful , but trust me" Cruz says .
After what Cruz said , Kelly chilled "Thank you" Kelly said with a smile .
"Now let's eat before the bells go off!" Capp said and everyone laughed . After Kelly ate something and went back to do paperwork .
The rest of the day wasn't bad, and when shift was over Kelly was ready to go home .
"Hey! If this baby comes tonight , you better call us!" Casey says and everyone agrees with him .
"I will!" Kelly says and walks away .
Stella was in the baby's room , getting her stuff ready . When Kelly walked into the door , it was quiet . Too quiet for his liking .
"Babe!"Kelly yelled putting down his stuff .
"Yeah ! I'm in the baby's room!" Stella yelled back folding some clothes .
"Hey there gorgeous" Kelly says leaning against the door frame , smiling seeing his wife .
"Hey , how was work?" Stella says smiling back at him .
"It was good ! What are you doing?" Kelly asked with a grin .
"Just organizing , felt like it" Stella said standing up and going into a hug .
"Fun!" Kelly said giving Stella kisses "I'm probably gonna go to bed soon" He says going towards the kitchen .
"Do you have shift tomorrow?"  Stella asks sitting down at the bar .
"No , I don't but I'm tired" Kelly says grabbing food "You okay with that?" .
"Yeah! Just in pain!" Stella said scrolling through her phone . After Kelly ate , he changed into some comfortable clothes before quickly falling asleep . Stella stayed up , watching a movie and snacking .
An hour later —
Stella's pov :
Kelly has been now be asleep for about an hour . It's almost 11pm and I feel like I'm having really bad contractions . When I went to go pee , I thought I had pee but it was my water breaking . My heart sank , I froze having absolutely no idea what to do .
"Shit!" I mumbled as I feel the contractions getting worse . "Kelly!" I yelled , but nothing so I go to our bed and shake him, at this point I had barely no energy to walk anymore and felt my knees about to give out .
"What's up?" Kelly asks opening his eyes .
"We need to go to the hospital , now!" I said panicking .
"Why ? What's wrong?" Kelly asks sitting up , freaking out .
"My water broke ! I think she's ready!" I said crying .
"Okay , go get the hospital bag ! Let me put pants on!" Kelly says sitting up to get his pants off before they rush out the door .

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