first hung over

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"Morning!" Stella said with a smile as she put the baby in the high chair . "Do you need breakfast?" She asked with a grin .
"Mmm!" Sophie groaned . "Shut up!" She said putting her head down with a moan .
"Long night?" Stella said with a chuckle .
"Yes!" Sophie said with a sigh . "My head is spinning and pounding , is this normal?" She said looking up .
"What did you do , get drunk?" Stella asked grabbing the eggs . "Because yes , it's called a hungover !" She said turning the oven on .
"Ugh!" Sophie said rolling her eyes . "Fuck this shit!" .
"Excuse me , child!" Stella said with a frown as she look at her daughter she had a big smile hitting her tray with her hands .
"Sorry!" Sophie said with a grin . "I'm going to go lay on the couch!" She said getting up and barely making it to the couch .
"Well , looks like someone had fun!" Kelly said with a laugh as he came out of the bedroom . "No , spoke too soon?" .
"Arg!" Sophie said trying to get comfortable . "I flipping hate this ! I could have been told this would have been like this!" .
"She's just a little out of it!" Stella said giving him a kiss . "Will you take your daughter ! I'm going to get Sophie a hot bath and then some sleep !" She said with a smile .
"You think a hot bath will help?" Kelly asked grabbing Elliana .
"I mean , not saying that idea is bad but a hot bath!" He said .
"It's something!" Stella said with an eye roll . "Come on , up!" .
"Where we going?" Sophie said sitting up . "Stars ! Stella I'm seeing stars!"  She said pointing . "Woah!" .
"They aren't real!" Stella said helping her up . "Now , don't fall on top of me!" She said grabbing her waist .
"Why don't you let me walk on my own!" Sophie said with a sigh . "See , I got it!" She said walking on her own . "I can go to bed on my own ! No hot bath!" She said walking away.
"Well!" Kelly said with a laugh . "That handles that!" .
"I really hope I wasn't like that!" Stella said with a mumble .
"I'm sure you weren't!" Kelly said giving her a kiss .
"You heard that?" Stella asked looking at him quickly .
"I hear everything" Kelly said with a grin . "I'm your husband!"
"Right!" Stella said taking the baby . "Right , yeah!" .
"Mhm!" Kelly said with a chuckle . "Always right!" .
Later that day —
"Ugh!" Sophie said as she rolled over .  "Shit , already 7:30!" She said looking at her phone as she got up .
"Well , look who's up!" Stella said with a grin .
"Barley!" Sophie said going to the kitchen . "Where's Kelly?" .
"Store!" Stella said standing up . "He wanted to take the baby with him so I said why not?" She said with a chuckle .
"Oh!" Sophie said with a gag . "Oh god!" .
"Hey , you okay?" Stella said as Sophie gagged more .
"Shit!" Sophie said going to the sink before she got sick .
"Oh god!" Stella said holding her hair back . "It's okay!" .
"Stella , what if I'm pregnant!" Sophie said with a cry .
"It's just a hung over trying to get the leftover's out!" Stella said turning the water on . "Wait , did you hook up with someone?" She said looking at her sister .
"Maybe!" Sophie said with an awkward grin. "Just had bathroom sex!" She said crossing her arms .
"Sophie Ann Kidd!" Stella said with a laugh . "And you told me nothing!" She said with an upset sigh . "How rude!" .
"I thought you would be mad!" Sophie said with a grin .
"Mad!" Stella said in a questionable tone . "You are 24 , and my sister ! I won't be mad at you , I'm happy!" She said with a laugh . "So , tell me about it!" She said with a smirk .
"It was hot!" Sophie said getting some water . "It was big!" .
"Did he come in you?" Stella said looking at her sister with a smirk . "Did you come!" She said with a laugh.
"If this says anything!" Sophie said moving her hair . "So!" .
"Sophie!" Stella yelled as she saw the hickey . "That , oh my god!" She said giving her sister a hug .
"We are home!" Kelly said waking through the door . "I think we intrude into something!" He whispered with a chuckle .
"Nope!" Sophie said hiding her hickey . "Just , Stella yelling at me!" She said with a laugh . "Right , Stella!" .
"Yep!" Stella said going over to him . "Now , let me have my baby!" She said taking her daughter . "Bath time!" .
"Will you help me?" Kelly asked grabbing some bags .
"Oh , of course!" Sophie said moving her hair to side . "I'll take the cold stuff first!" She said with a laugh .
"Perfect!" Kelly said walking back to her . "Hey , is that a hickey!" He said seeing it . "Sophie , does your sister know!" .
"Oh crap!" Sophie said with an awkward laugh ."Yes she does!"
"Well , looks like someone had fun!" Kelly said pushing her gently . "He must of got you good!" He said with a chuckle .
"Okay , shut up!" Sophie said with a chuckle . "But yes!" .
I'm losing ideas of what to write so don't be surprised if the chapters become shorter ! and if i don't post sooner !!

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