I'm just a mess

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General pov :
It's been at least 2 weeks since Kelly's mom was rushed to the hospital . She's been back to normal but doctors are still not risking her being alone . With how many times her heart has stop it's too risking for her to be alone .  Kelly and Katie always agree that their mom needs to stay a few more days . Kelly though is still not expecting that his mom is okay just because of how close she was to death .
"Babe" Stella said knocking on his office door "Hey , you doing okay?" She asked softly with a smile .
"Perfect , baby!" Kelly said with a grin . "You doing okay?".
"I'm okay!" Stella asked sitting down . "Kelly?" She said trying to grab his attention seeing something was wrong .
"I'm scared" Kelly said with a sigh . "I'm scared that I'm gonna lose my mom and that's something I'm not ready for! " He said looking at her .
"What happen now?" Stella asked in a worried tone .
"Nothing happen ! Just worried" Kelly said with a slight grin "Gotta do this work now" He said turning around .
"Kelly Benjamin!" Stella said in an upset tone . "What the hell is going on? Please talk to me , you know shutting me out will not help!" .
"I'm just scared" Kelly said with his voice breaking . "I already lost my dad! I can't lose my mom . I know she's doing better but she was basically knocking on death's door" . He said as a tear fell down his face . "I've tried so hard to be strong for Katie and it's all catching up on me" He said as he started to cry .
"Baby , hey ! She's not dying" Stella said sitting down on his lap . "Look at me , she's not going anywhere!" She said giving a passionate kiss . "You being there for Katie is anything a sister would love , but you are just a human after all!" She said wiping tears off his face .
"I love you" Kelly said softly giving her a kiss "Thank you" He said with a smile .
"Always" Stella said softly wiping tears off her face before getting scared from seeing chief "Chief , what's up?" She asked getting up .
"Didn't mean to interrupt!" Chief said opening the door "But Stella , your sister is out in the app floor!" He said with a cough . "She wanted me to tell you!" .
"Okay!" Stella said with a smile . "See you later!" She said walking away .
"I love you" Kelly said grabbing onto her fingers . "Hey chief!" He said with a grin .
"You doing okay?" Chief asked sitting down on the end of his small bed . "And if you don't wanna talk about it that's fine!" .
"Mom has seem to be doing better!" Kelly said with a grin . "So grateful for that!" He said with a chuckle .
"Well that's great news!" Chief said with a grin . "Well ! I'll let you finish your paperwork , need anything you know where to find me!" He said getting up as Kelly gave him a nod .
"Thank you chief!" Kelly said as chief walked away he gave him a nod .
"Stella!" Sophie yelled in an upset tone seeing her sister come out . "Stella ! I'm so sorry to come here unexpectedly!" She said as the baby started crying .
"Sophie ? Hey , what's going on?" Stella asked seeing her sister sobbing . "Okay , breathe ! What's going on?" She asked holding her close . "Give me the baby , what is going on?" She asked taking her daughter .
"It's about dad" Sophie said wiping away tears . "It's about dad" She repeated trying to catch her breath .
"What happen?" Stella asked terrified . "Sophie ! What the hell happen?" .
"I got a call from the jail ! They are going to let him out early!" . Sophie explained as Stella felt her heart stop and sink . "He's going to get out! Stella ! He wants to hurt us , you know he does!" She said upset . "I know you are already dealing with so much , but this is terrifying!" .
"Okay , no!" Stella yelled back upset . "There is absolutely no way he's touching you or me ! Are sure they told you he was getting out early?" She asked not wanting to believe it . "He got sentenced to life!" .
"I know but someone bailed him out ! Didn't even know you could with a murder!" Sophie said with now tears falling down her face . "Like in 5 months!" She said wiping tears away . "5 months , who would bail him out!" .
"Fuck" Stella mumbled trying to not cry infront of her . "Alright ! I want you to call auntie and I'll figure out what I can do later" She said giving her sister the baby back   . "Just , don't do anything stupid because you have my child!" She said giving her sister a look .
"Okay , I love you!" Sophie yelled before walking away .
"Love you!" Stella said heading back in the station before running into Cruz who was coming back from the restroom .
"Woooh, hey you okay?" Cruz asked seeing something wrong her . "Stella , you okay?" He asked concerned . "Hey , look at me are you okay?" .
"No" Stella said as tears fell down her face "Where is Kelly?" She asked with a cry .  "Cruz , I need Kelly!" .
"I think in his office" Cruz said giving her a hug seeing her crying . "Come here , what's going on?" He asked but before getting far Kelly walked into the room . "Hey , your wife is upset!" He said with quickly knowing she needed him .
"Kelly!" Stella said rushing to his arms and without anymore hesitation she started sobbing .
"Hey , breathe baby!" Kelly said holding her tightly . "What happen Cruz?" He asked upset trying to get her to calm down .
"I don't know man ! She seemed panicked when she ran into me" Cruz explained with a sad grin . "She wouldn't tell me what was going on ! She was asking for you" He said with a sigh . "Something was wrong but she wouldn't say what!" .
"Okay , give us a moment" Kelly said holding Stella tighter and Cruz walked away "What's going on , talk to me baby" He said softly giving her a kiss . "Nobody is around , what's wrong?" He asked as she took deep breaths .
"It's my dad" Stella said trying to catch her breath . " I don't know if you really know everything about him but Sophie tells me he's getting out in like 5 months . I can't be around him!" She said backing away from his arms "He killed my mom! He probably wants me next" She said as a panic attack kicked in . "I know you are already dealing with your mom and I'm sorry for being like this when you should be the one I should be caring for" .
"Hey ! Look at me , he's not gonna be around you . Don't put the blame on you for my mom being sick , you are just as important!" Kelly said trying his best to comfort her . "I'm right here and so is everyone else ! He's not gonna be around you". He said giving her kisses .
"I know ! Just I can't stand him" Stella said with deep breaths "Shouldn't be scared of him , but he scared me for 17 years of my life!" She said trying to calm down still .
"Truck , Squad , Ambo and Engine report to a car on fire" .
"Ugh ! Let's get going" Stella said wiping tears away so no one would see her eyes  .
"Hey , I love you ! Okay?" Kelly said giving her a kiss.  "You hear me , we will get through this together!" .
"I love you too!" Stella said with a grin . "Duty calls though !" .
Later that night ••
"Stella ! Hey told me she is gonna go by the jail tomorrow and try and get this sorted out" Sophie explained putting her phone down "Stel , you okay?" She asked waving her hand infront of her .
"Sophie , no ! I'm terrified!" Stella said with her voice breaking  "I had to spend 17 years being around him ! Him hurting mom ! I had to protect you from him ! I'm scared , Sophie !"  She said looking at her . "So no I'm not okay!" .
"Stella , I know you are" Sophie said upset . "Please don't be upset with me ! I had nothing to do with this" She said with a sigh . "I never meant to hurt you!" .
"I know , but Sophie when mom died you were taken away!" Stella said trying her hardest to not cry . "I was left without a sister ! I became a drug addicted ! I got married to a damn crazy maniac!" She said wiping tears from her face .  "Do you understand that I was left alone , to go through more hell!" .
"I know , and I'm sorry" Sophie said "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you , or to protect you" She said as a tear fell down her face .
"It's fine ! I just tried protecting you and maybe it wasn't enough" Stella said sighing wiping more away tears . "I'm gonna go to bed ! It's getting late , Kelly is putting Elliana to sleep , goodnight!" She said getting up and walking to the bedroom .
"Goodnight" Sophie said as Kelly was walking towards her . "Hey Kelly ! Just missed her , she went to bed!" She said softly .
"Okay , that's perfect ! Baby is out , so probably gonna go to bed now !" Kelly said with a laugh . "Night!" He said walking to the room .
"Goodnight!" Sophie yelled with a smile sighing as she sat down . "I miss you mom" She said to herself before turning the tv on .
"Stella , what's wrong?" Kelly asked seeing her crying . "Babe ,look at me what's wrong?" He asked shutting the door .
"Everything!" Stella said sobbing looking at him made her cry more . "I'm a fucking problem! I shouldn't be alive! I should be dead! 6 feet under!" She yelled upset .  "You hear me , 6 feet under!" .
"Stella Celeste! That isn't okay to say ! What is going on?" Kelly said upset hearing those words. .  "You don't say that , ever! You are my everything and if you weren't here what the fuck would I have?" He asked grabbing her waist . "Look at me , what would I have without you? Absolutely nothing ! What the hell is going on , you never ever say that!" .
"Well , you wouldn't have me!" Stella says taking her makeup off as she sobbed "I shouldn't be alive I shouldn't ! No I should be dead!" She said upset trying to calm herself down but it was hard . "I just ugh!" She said mad slamming her hands against the dresser .
"Stop!" Kelly said grabbing her waist "Calm down ! What is going on?" He asked rubbing her back . "Look at me , what is going on?" He asked again as Stella tried to calm down .
"My dad might be getting out of jail like you know" Stella said sighing looking at him . "I'm scared and a mess!" She said taking her shirt off . "I just didn't know you could bail someone out for murder , it wasn't something I knew could happen" .
"Hey ! He's not gonna be around!" Kelly said hugging her . "You hear me , whatever happens I promise I will protect you!" . Stella didn't think twice before limping in his arms and crying more . "It's okay baby ! I got you , breathe!" He said holding her and playing with her hair .  "I have you baby!" He said softly as she just sobbed more .
An hour later ••
General pov :
Stella was out after crying for an hour or so , but after getting tired she laid in bed with Kelly before falling asleep . But Kelly on the other hand couldn't sleep , seeing his wife hurt killed him and hearing the tv on he knew Sophie was still up . He wanted to know what happen that night her mom died , he was upset just hearing her crying . Whatever she told him months ago obviously wasn't true .
(⚠️Rape , abuse , sexual harassment and murder is gonna be involved in this pls skip if this will trigger you! ⚠️)
"Sophie" Kelly said shutting the bedroom door . "I wanna talk" He said walking over to her .
"Sure!" Sophie said muting the tv . "What's up?" She asked looking at him .
"What happen?" Kelly asked sitting down making Sophie look at him confused . "What actually happen with Stella's childhood ? She told me awhile back about it , but I don't believe it seeing how upset she is about him!" He said upset .  "I need to know , and you are her sister so please tell me!" .
"It's a lot of , trigger warning stuff" Sophie said but before getting anything else out Kelly interrupted her .
"I don't care ! Sophie , Stella is my wife ! She was sobbing ! What the hell went on!" Kelly asked upset . "Right now , my mom is sick I understand , but at this moment I would like to know what went on!" .
"Okay ! I'll tell you everything" Sophie said turning to face him.
"Stella had the worst of the childhood I'll put it that way . I was born when she was about 8 and that's when shit went down I feel like . Our dad became a drug dealer again , cheated on our mom multiple times but she never wanted to divorce him because she didn't know where she would live , and it would be hell to even get. divorce . Stella would be neglected and abused a lot from him , knew she was being starved and abused but he would just threaten our mom and throw Stella in the basement . Well , in middle school she started falling and that's when shit got worse , he would hit her . I mean hard enough she would have marks , all over her body and there was this one night when everyone was asleep . He came home drunk around 1 in the morning and went into Stella's room and tied her down . She woke up while he was in the middle of tying her down , she screamed but with her room being in the basement we didn't hear her screams . He raped her numerous times and did things to her all night until around 6 when he had to go to work  . She told us that day when he wasn't home , but there wasn't much we could do because the cops didn't believe us , and he also found out about it some how and told us if we told anyone anything else that he would kill us all so we just kept our mouth closed" She explained wiping her tears away .
"What the fuck!" Kelly said upset shaking his head . "God!" .
"It was a lot of rape and torture he did to her mostly . I mean he did nothing to me because I was a baby , our mom was abused but not like Stella was . I don't understand why he only did things to her . But anyways she would also run away but it would make things worse" Sophie said wiping more away tears . "She tried killing herself at 14 and 16 as well , all those attempts our dad didn't care . Our mom finally had enough when I was little older about 9 , and she had made us act like we didn't know anything . We said nothing because we wanted out , this night we were gonna sneak out he found out after I think hearing us and woke up angry . He took our mom and us to the basement and tied our mom . He forced us to watch , our mom tried to plead that he would let us go , but nothing . Stella closed my eyes and as I was in a ball covering my ears , and he said to our mom "you were such a great person to me and our kids , but it's time for you go to bed now" and shot her in the head 3 times before stabbing her repeatedly before there was quite literally nothing left but guts and blood everywhere" She said with a cry .  "Stella watched our mom die , she saw our mom's life leave . She watched our mother take her final breath . She watched the pain , and she told me while he was still killing our mom , she told me "run ! run ! go to the neighbors house next door and call 911" . I did , I ran . He tried going after me but I was too fast for him mostly cause he was half drunk , so for pay back for telling me to run he beat Stella with the pistol until she was on the ground bleeding . She doesn't know this but I watched our dad do this to her because I wanted to save her . I wanted to , but I knew for us to be saved I had to go to the neighbors . But the moment she was knocked out he sexually assaulted her and that's when I decided I need to call 911 , so I ran to the neighbors and they called 911 . He ended up running away from the scene before emergency services got there , my mom was deceased . I just saw her body bag being brought out , and Stella on a stretcher . I ran to her , and was asking her "where is dad at?" and she said "I don't know !" .  I mean it was pretty horrific , I hate remembering that night" .
"I'm so sorry" Kelly said rubbing Sophie's back .  "That is so fucked up!" .
"He was found the next day hiding in hold empty house , and arrested obviously . But after court charges Stella was old enough she left and went away to Chicago , and met Grant and like you know. I was still too young so I went to live with my auntie" Sophie said wiping away tears . "God!" She said with a laugh trying to catch her breath "I wanted to start a new life at 19 so I got my own place and started training for the military ! It made me happy being in the military" .
"I'm sorry" Kelly said softly . "I am so sorry!" He said shaking his head with disgust .  "That is so sick!" .
"It's okay , really ! He was a pathetic person and there's only so much we could have done!" Sophie said wiping away tears .   "Probably going to head to bed now" She said standing up .
"Hey , look at me!" Kelly said grabbing her hand . "You and Stella didn't deserve this , and I'm proud of you ! You were a fighter just like Stella!" He said with a grin "My childhood was just as shitty , if you need to talk to anyone I'm here!" He said with a smile .
"Kelly , thank you!" Sophie said giving him a hug . "Thank you , it means a lot!" .
"Always ! You are here and no matter what you are going through ! I'm here!" Kelly said hugging her before she slowly walked away .
"Well , goodnight!" Sophie said with a smile . "Sleep well!" She said walking away .
"You too , night!" Kelly said heading back to his room , quickly cuddling up with his wife making sure she was close all night long .
I wasn't gonna do a long background of Stella's background but it made it more interesting in my opinion ! I'm also on summer break so I will be posting more often . Also , I want to make another story just a random one so should I or no?

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