I tried

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General pov :
It's been 2 weeks since Kelly's been home . Stella and him were happy . Life was going smooth . Stella did feel a little sick a few mornings , but she had thought nothing of it . She just had her period , so she brushed it off .
But anyways , today was a shift day . Stella and Kelly were fast in sleep in bed , the sheets were a mess . Kelly was facing Stella and Stella was on her back with her one hand on her head and the other by Kelly . They both were out like a light , until their alarm went off making them both growl at the sound of the alarm .
"Mmm!" Stella said waking up slowly , trying to adjust to the light .
"Oh come on!" Kelly said rolling over to turn it off "Shut up!" Hs said turning it off making Stella laugh .
"What's so funny?" Kelly said rolling back over to Stella .
"You" Stella said stretching .
"Okay whatever" Kelly said giving Stella a quick kiss "Lets get up so we aren't late" .
"Oh come on babe" Stella said trying to grab Kelly "5 more minutes?" She said with puppy eyes .
"I wish , but we can't be late" He said going to find his shirt and pants
"Fine" She said sitting up "I'll go make coffee" .
"Okay , I'm gonna shower" He said going to the bathroom . After like 5 minutes Kelly was out of the shower and Stella was getting ready . He stop what he was going to do , to give his wife attention .
"You smell good!" Stella said smirking .
"You smell like strawberries" Kelly said grabbing her waist .
"Thanks , it's my perfume" She said giggling . "And my soap from last night" .
"Well I like it" He said giving her a quick kiss "Alright , we should probably get going"
"Ok , but you are driving" She said pointing at him .
"Fine" He said rolling his eyes as they grabbed their stuff .
At the firehouse -
General pov :
Breakfast was being cooked as Kelly and Stella were walking in the common room . "Smells good" Stella said and then they both walked to the locker rooms to see mostly everyone in there getting ready .
"Good morning!" Brett said with a smile .
"Good morning" Stella said opening her locker .
After they had put their stuff in the lockers , breakfast was done . So they all went to the common room to eat . After breakfast was over , they had gotta a call . It was a minor accident . When they gotta back , Kelly had went to do paper work . Stella had went to lay down because she had a headache . Brett and Violet were still out , Squad was at the squad table playing a game .
"Yall suck!" Tony said smacking the table .
"Shut up!" Capp said and everyone laughed .
"What are you guys doing?" Kelly said coming out to get his paper work .
"Playing this stupid game" Capp said growling .
"You chose it" Cruz said giggling .
"Be quiet" Capp said .
"My bad" Cruz said laughing some more .
"Have fun" Kelly said walking back in the station .
3 and half hours later -
It was a quiet day so far , it was a clam . Calls weren't so bad . Stella was napping to get rid of her headache . Brett and Violet were cleaning the ambulance . Squad was out helping out a call . Gallo , Ritter and David were in the common room talking .
Squad was just getting back 5 minutes later , just as Stella was waking up . She had walked out to the app floor to see squad sitting down at the table , she smiled at Kelly .
"Hey , do you girls have headache medicine?" Stella said walking up to them .
"I do" Brett said going to grab medicine . "You feeling okay?" She said handing her medicine
"Yeah, I just have a headache" Stella said "Thank you!" She said walking away .
"You okay?" Kelly said as Stella walked by him .
"I have a headache" Stella said taking the pills .
"Did you sleep?" Kelly asked giving her water .
"Just woke up" Stella said .
"Did you eat?" Kelly asked .
"Yes sir!" Stella said sitting on his lap . "I think it's just cause the weather has been weird" .
"Yeah probably" Kelly said rubbing her back . Stella had stayed with squad for a little til dinner was ready , and everyone rushed inside .
"Finally!" Capp said making everyone laugh .
"Patience" Gallo said setting the food out on the bar .
"I don't have those" Capp said rolling his eyes .
"We know" Kelly said making everyone laugh more "Hey , how's your head?" Kelly said grabbing Stella's waist .
"Better" Stella said grabbing a plate .
"That's good" Kelly said giving her a quick kiss on the head.
"Dinner ready?" Carver asked walking in .
"Yes" Gallo said with a smile .
"Great"!" Carver said going over to get a plate .
Everyone had ate and then got a call to another accident . Two were seriously injured , but everyone else was fine . It took them about an hour at the accident . When they had gotta back it was 11 , so they all decided to get ready for bed .
Everyone was asleep , when they had gotta another call to a house fire around 1am . Everyone had rushed out and went to the scene . When they had got to the fire , there was no saving the house . They had no clue if anyone was in there , but chief knew this was going down anytime soon .
"Alright , truck and squad go look for anyone in there , and be careful the house can give any moment!" Chief said , and right as they were about to walk in a little girl had ran out
"Help!" The little girl yelled and everyone looked at her
"Hey , what's wrong ? Are you hurt?" Stella said kneeling down to her .
"'No , I'm fine . But my dad's still there" The girl said crying .
"Ok we will go find him , go with those girls over there" Stella said pointing "Where do you know he might be?" .
"Upstairs" The little girl said pointing to the right window.
"Okay , we will go get him" Stella said . "Brett , take her!" .
When they went into the house , Stella had wet upstairs while everyone else went to look to make sure nobody else was in the house . When Stella went into the bedroom , she was horrified to the scene she was seeing "Holy shit" She said mumbling . She had went to feel for a pulse but felt nothing , and realized there was a blood on the guy . To where he was hurt , she didn't know . She tried doing cpr for about 2 minutes , but came to the realization there was no saving him .
"Get out!" Chief said panicking .
"Call the coroner" Stella said over the radio making everyone stopped in their tracks .
"Kidd , what's wrong?" Chief said hearing the sound of her voice .
"I'll explain in a minute" Stella said going out to the room .
"Oh my god!" A women yelled seeing the house .
"Mommy!" The little girl said running to her mom .
"Hey , wait are you the mom?" Brett said .
"Yes , what happen!" The women asked .
"We don't know" Brett said , and right after she finished everyone came out with Stella being last . Everyone had seen blood on her .
"Kidd , are you hurt?" Gallo said and everyone looked at her .
"I'm not bleeding , but the dad is deceased" Stella said to everyone that was by her "He had been shot I believe and then someone lit the house on fire to hide any evidence" Stella said shaking . "There was no saving him" .
"Is my husband okay?" The women said running over to the firefighters and everyone had looked at her . Stella couldn't say anything and nodded her head no . "What do you mean!" .
"Your husband had been shot , and whoever killed him tried taking your guys daughter too" Stella said with tears in her eyes . The women said nothing and started sobbing . She had went to fall to the floor but Stella had catch her , sobbing in Stella's arms , the little girl came rushing over .
"What's wrong with daddy" The little girl said running to her mom and Stella and started sobbing .
"Daddy's went up in the skies" The women said sobbing .
"No!" The little girl yelled in pain , Stella had caught the little girl before she ran into the house "I want daddy!". Stella had looked at everyone who had the saddest look ever. She felt guilty , and saddens .
After the fire was put out and the coroner took the father about 2 hours later , everyone arrived back at the station . Stella never ever felt this emotional after a call , but she felt a pain of grief  . She took her suit off and went to take a shower . Everyone looked at her and knew she was feeling guilty , knowing she tried to save the dad but he was gone before they got there .
"Babe" Kelly said going to find her , and saw her sitting on the bench space out "Hey , babe" He said sitting next to her , pulling her to his chest .
"I tried saving him" Stella said has she started crying .
"Shh , I know you did babe" He said pulling her in his arms .
"It's not fair" She said as she started sobbing . Kelly held her in his arms as she sobbed .
After about 20 minutes she had calm down . Stella and Kelly had went to go back asleep with each other .
After shift was over , everyone went home . Stella decided to shower. After her shower , Kelly had showered too . They both decided to take a nap . When they both woke up , it was around 5:30pm .
"Good afternoon gorgeous" Kelly said crushing on Stella's chest .
"Hey there handsome" She said giving him a kiss .
"Are you feeling better" Kelly said playing with her hair .
"Yea , i think i just needed to let it out" She said smiling .
"I'm glad" He said smiling and staring at her in the eyes .
"What" She said giggling .
"Just looking at my beautiful wife" He said rubbing her checks . Stella had blushed .
"Okay , well i'm glad you are" She said . Stella could see the look in Kelly's eyes , telling her he needed a piece of her . "You have to begged for me" Stella said smirking and then tried to get up , but Kelly had pulled her down by her waist .
"I don't need to beg" He said pulling her under him "I need to hear you scream my name while you're under me , squirming" He said with a smirk turning Stella on.
"Baby" She said whining feeling herself getting wet . Kelly could see it so he went down to her v-spot and started touching her , teasing her . Not taking her pants off , but still touching her . "Stop" She moaned feeling herself getting wetter . Kelly went up to her neck and started kissing and sucking on her neck . "Oh baby , i'm gonna fuck you so hard while you are under me screaming my name . Moaning so loud" He said sucking her neck harder , probably leaving her a hickey . Stella gasped loud at the sudden movement .
"I can't wait to fuck you so hard" He said slowly trying to take her shirt off . Stella had seen him trying to do that so she helped him . When she tried to get up , Kelly pushed her back .
"I got it baby" He said taking her shirt off . "My favorite view" He said seeing her boobs . He spent no longer and started sucking on them .
"Mmmm" She moaned . Kelly had spent a few minutes on her boobs before going down or her v-spot and going into her pants .
"Shit" He said feeling her wet "So wet for me baby" He said playing with her v-sport .
"Please , Kelly" She moaned .
"Please what" He said going up to her neck kissing it and still playing with her v-spot .
"Finger me so hard" Stella said moaning .
"Oh" He said whispering in her ear . He went down and slowly took her pants . When he see she had wet herself already , he got turned on . He looked at her and put one finger in her hole , pumping in and out making her moan . He slowly put two fingers in . Going faster , making Stella moan and arch her back .
"Oh baby" Kelly said kissing her boobs playing with her v-spot.
"Kelly" She screamed "Please" She moaned . Kelly knew what he was doing to her .  "Im fucking coming" She yelled feeling herself coming .
"Come on my fingers" He said kissing her neck . He knew he needed to go faster , so he pumped in and out faster and faster .
"Mmm" She moaned and came all over his fingers .
"Good girl" Kelly said licking her cum . "Now it's time to fuck you hard" He said taking his pants off . Kelly gave her a look , and hit into her hard . He went slow at first , making Stella feel good , moaning . And before she knew it , he was going faster .
"Oh god Kelly" She moaned rolling her eyes in the back of her head . Kelly groaned feeling her walls tighten .
"Come on baby" He said moaning .He had went faster .
"I'm coming" She screaming . She moaned loudly and she felt her self come . Kelly had felt her come and moaned .
"I'm so close" Kelly groaned going faster .
"Mmmm" Stella moaned . Kelly had felt himself coming , and before he knew it he was releasing in Stella .
"Shit" He said feeling that he had just came in Stella . "Damn" He said pulling out and flopping by Stella .
"Now it's your turn" Stella said getting ontop of Kelly .
"Baby" He said moaning .
"Huh" She said grinning .
"God , you don't have to do anything . Just sit on me naked and i can cum" He said smirking .
"Mmm" She said going into his neck  , sucking and kissing it . "You see i would , but it's your turn to moan my name" She said . She felt Kelly get harder "See , you are excited" She said smirking .
"Baby" He said grabbing on her waist . Stella slowly went down to his cock and gave him one last look before putting in her mouth . "Hold shit" He moaned rolling his eyes in the back on her . Kelly wasn't gonna last another minute , he felt himself coming soon .
"Mmmm" Stella moaned making him feel good .
"Baby" He said breathless "Baby , Stella" He moaned grabbing her waist .
"What" She said smirking and stopping .
"No fuck don't stop , i'm so fucking close" He moaned . Stella knew he was close so she had went faster . "Oh god" He yelled . He felt himself coming  , he let out a loud moan and came in Stella's mouth . Stella looked at him and smirk
"Good boy" She said whispering in his ear "Now" She said slowly putting herself in his dick .
"Oh my fucking god" He moaned putting his nails in her back . Stella looked at him and started going in and out fast . He lasted for about 2 minutes before coming again . After he came Stella laid next to him and Kelly pulled her closer "I don't know how to say this , but having you under me in this hottest shit ever" He said whispering in her ear making her blush . Stella played with his abs slowly falling asleep . After about 3 minutes , she was out like a light . Kelly felt her hand slowly stop moving around his abs .
"Babe" He said looking down to see Stella asleep on his chest . He melted seeing her asleep in his arms . He gave Stella a kiss on the forehead . He laid with Stella has she was asleep for about 10 minutes before getting up to make food . He tried his hardest not waking Stella . He moved her body just slightly off of her , not waking her  .
He went to get a change of clothes and went to shower . After he got off the shower , Stella was on her stomach . Passed out still . Kelly got a changed and went to start dinner . After about 15 minutes , dinner was done . He went back into their room and sat next to Stella rubbing her back . "Hey baby" He said softly .
"Mmm" She said slowly opening her eyes . "What" She said facing the other way , still tired .
"Food is ready" He said . Stella was quiet for about a minute , and Kelly knew she had fallen asleep again . "Wake up sleepy head" He said whispering in her ear . She slowly opened her eyes again . Turning over to face Kelly and then laid in his lap .
"I'm so tired" She said rubbing her eyes , Kelly giggled .
" What , did our sex tire you out" He said joking . Stella gave him a death stare .
"I hate you" She said sitting up .
"Oh no you don't" He said laughing .
"Get me a shirt and underwear so you aren't turned on again" She said laughing . "Thank you" She said as Kelly gave her a shirt and underwear .
"Mhm , meet me out in the kitchen" He said walking out .
That night , they had spent lots of time together . Making sure each other knew how much they loved each other .

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