easter mess

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Stella's pov :
It is now Easter , and it's a special Easter because it's Elliana first Easter ! How has time gone by that fast !
Today we are going over to Cindy's for a bit then meeting up with Kelly's mom for dinner . It's more than just Easter though , it's my baby girl first holiday ! I want to make this day the most memorable one possible ! .

 It's more than just Easter though , it's my baby girl first holiday ! I want to make this day the most memorable one possible !

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Elliana's outfit .
"Babe!" Kelly yelled coming through the door "I'm home!" He said setting his stuff down .
"I'm in the bedroom!" Stella yelled back .
"Oh my goodness!" Kelly said walking into the bedroom "Look at my girls!" He said smiling ear to ear .
"Look at your daughter!" Stella said with a big smile "She actually fits in this!" .
"You both are so gorgeous" Kelly said giving his girl's kisses "I'm gonna get ready , you feed her or whatever and I'll be out in a minute" He said heading to the bathroom .
"Okay!" Stella said with a smile .
While Kelly got ready , Elliana ate  , and after she ate her and Stella cuddled up watching the news together . Stella was honestly not even paying attention to what was happening around her , that's until Kelly came infront of her .
"You ready?" Kelly asked with a smile .
"Yeah" Stella said looking up . "You ready to go?" .
"Yeah , we should probably hit the road" Kelly said grabbing the car seat "Who's all gonna be there?" .
"I know Brett and Casey , Violet , all Herremann kids and that's all I know right now" Stella said packing the diaper bag . "What time are we having dinner with your mom?" .
"Dear god Stella ! I have no clue" Kelly said with a giggle "She lives and hour and half drive up here , so I don't know" .
"Just wondering" Stella said looking down "Let's hit the road" .
The drive to Herrmann's wasn't long . Elliana had fell asleep thankfully , she was getting cranky . Once Stella and Kelly got to Herrmann's house it was already filled with people , laughter and talking .
"Stella ! Kelly!" Cindy yelled going up to them "Oh ! How's the life of being a parent?" She said hugging them both .
"We are loving it" Kelly said with a smile . "Baby girl is out!" .
"Do you want me to put her somewhere quiet?" Cindy asked "I can put her upstairs ! I got an old crib from our last baby" .
"Sure!" Kelly said with a smile . "Thank you" .
"Of course ! Go enjoy yourself . Herrmann is over there" Cindy said pointing "Food and drinks are by him too" .
"Okay! Thank you!" Kelly said with a smile . "Let's go honey" He said rubbing Stella's back .
"Oh so glad you two could make it!" Herrmann said with a smile seeing them . "I wasn't sure if you two were gonna be able to come!" He said smacking Kelly in the arm softly.
"We would have shown up some how!" Kelly said sarcastically with a laugh .
As Cindy and Herrmann's house filled with more people , kids everywhere . Adults talking about grown up things , laugher. Smell of food , and music . It was becoming time to do an easter hunt as well!
"Hey ! Do you think Elliana is awake?" Kelly asked rubbing his wife's back .
"She might be ! She's been asleep for almost 2 hours" Stella said looking at him "You want me to go get her?" .
"Yeah ! I think the easter hunt is about to start" Kelly said "She should be apart of it" .
"Okay ! I'll go get her" Stella said before walking away going upstairs "Hi baby!" She said with a smile .
As Stella picked up Elliana , she squealed being in her mom's arms . Elliana was wide awake , and ready to ran even though she couldn't .
"Well , look who it is!" Kelly said quite loud with a big smile , everyone just froze and all smiled at Elliana . Everyone was in "awe" with the baby .
"Mommy!" Belle yelled "Baby!" .
"Yes ! That's Stella's baby" Cindy said with a smile "I'm sure if you ask to hold Elliana auntie will let you!"
"Aunt Stella!" Belle yelled running towards Stella "Can I hold her?" .
"Yeah , of course let's go outside and you can!" Stella said giving Belle a hug .
"Yay!" Belle said and ran outside . "Baby , in my arms" .
"Gentle" Cindy said with a smile "Look at mommy , smile!" .
"That's adorable!" Stella said with a smile "Maybe we should try again when Elliana is older so she can have a big sister , or brother" .
"Yeah , definitely!" Kelly said with a smile .
"Alright!" Herrmann yelled "My kids , youngest to oldest , and then they rest of whoever kids do the same!" .
"I better go help!" Cindy said picking up Elliana "Come on Bell's" .
"Stella , your baby is the first after my kids!" Herrmann said going up to her .
"Okay ! Take her baby" Stella said handing Kelly Elliana "I gotta take pictures , you know me" She said with a grin .
"Alright baby" Kelly said with a giggle .
"Alright kids!" Herrmann yelled "Are you ready!" .
"Yeah!" All the kids yelled .
"On the count of three , go find as many eggs as you can in 5 minutes!" Herrmann explained getting the count down ready .
"1 , 2 , 3 ! Go!" .
"Ahhh!" All the kids yelled running all over the place .
"Here! Baby get's this one!" Belle said giving Elliana an egg . "Can I help find some for her?" She asked looking at Stella .
"Of course!" Stella said with a smile . "Here , right here Bell's !" She said pointing .
"Gold!" Belle said with a smile . "Wow!" She said with a smile .
"Maybe that's a lucky one!" Stella said . "Say thank you Elliana!" She said with a smile as Elliana grew a smile .
"Hello?" Kelly said answering the phone . "Mom?" .
"Hey honey!" Jennifer said with a smile  . "When are you gonna head this way?" .
"Oh , uh!" Kelly said with a smile walking back inside . "We are currently at a friends house , why? Are you starting soon?" .
"No ! We are starting at 4 . I just didn't know if maybe you wanted to head this way now to help me!" Jennifer said making the basket .
"I mean we can ! We will finish this hunt and I'll talk to Stella!" Kelly said taking a drink of water .
"Okay ! That's perfect!" Jennifer said "See ya!" She said hanging up .
"Okay!" Kelly said before walking outside again , where the hunt was over and kids were opening the eggs .
"Look , you got candy!" Stella said opening an egg for her daughter .
"Hey , so" Kelly said going over to his wife .
"What's up?" Stella said looking at him.
"My mom called me and wanted to know if we could head that way! The party doesn't start til like 4 but she wants help" Kelly explained .
"Sure!" Stella said with a smile . "Take her and help me up!" She said with a sarcastic laugh .
"So you wanna head that way now?" Kelly asked helping Stella up .
"Yeah , let's say bye to everyone and get our things!" Stella said wiping her pants off .
"We heading out?" Cindy said with a smile .
"Have to , my mom wants me to help her!" Kelly explained with a grin . "It was nice seeing you though!" He said giving Cindy a hug .
"Oh so glad you two could make it!" Cindy said with a smile "You momma , I missed you and so glad I saw you too!" She said giving Stella a kiss on the cheek .
"Of course! Couldn't miss this fun event!" Stella said with a giggle .  "See you everyone!" She yelled as they walked out the door , and everyone waved goodbye .
15 minutes later -
"Why are we heading this way? Isn't your mom house the other way?" Stella asked confused .
"Babe , it's only 11:30" Kelly said looking at her . "Do you really want to be with my mom all day?" He asked with a laugh .
"I mean it's your mom" Stella said with a laugh . "But you do you!" .
"We are going home and then we will head over to her place later!" Kelly said opening the garage door .  When they got into the house , the baby took a 3 hour nap and so did Stella .
4 hours later-
"Is this cute?" Asked Stella .
"Damn baby!" Kelly said with a grin . "You doing things to my body!" He said kissing her passionately .
"Mmm! Like what?" Stella said with a grin .
"You know what!" Kelly said .
"Jwkkwoqoishdb!" Elliana mumbled .
"We can't forget our baby!" Stella said picking her up .
"Great! My mom is calling!" Kelly said with a laugh . "Hi momma!" He said with a smile .
"Hey! It's almost 4 , did you forget to come help me?" Jennifer asked with a smile .
"Sorry ! Stella wasn't feeling the best ! We had came home so she could get some rest but we lost time!" Kelly said making up a story .
"Dude ? What?" Stella said looking at him .
"Oh ! Well you still heading this way?" Jennifer said with a smile .
"Yep! Heading that way now!" Kelly said grabbing everything . "See ya soon" He said hanging up .
"Now! That wasn't very nice!" Stella said with a laugh .
"My mom get's on my nerves a little too much!" Kelly said with a grin . "Now , let's go!" He said grabbing Elliana .
An hour later-
"Oh ! Look at my sweet boy!" Jennifer said with a smile as they walked through the door . "Look at my sweet baby girl all grown up!" .
"Is this Kelly Severide?" Jennifer friend asked . "Must be ! Look at that stunning wife and baby!" She said . "Nanny! Nice to meet you!" .
"Stella!" Stella said with a smile . 
"Oh so beautiful!" Nanny said with a smile . "Now , what's this little girl's name?" She asked with a smile .
"Elliana!" Stella said with a smile. .
"Oh so sweet!" Nanny said with a smile .
"I'll be back babe , going to go help my mom!" Kelly said giving her a kiss.
"Okay!" Stella said with a smile .
"God mom ! How many people are here?" Kelly said sarcastically .
"Eh , about 50 people!" Jennifer said with a chuckle . "Mind helping me with the drinks ? There's no kids here , so drinks and adult baskets!" She said with a grin. .
"Oh sure ! Where would you like putting them?" Kelly asked grabbing some .
"Just over there will be fine!" Jennifer said pointing . "Alrighty!  Let's all gather around and get some drinks in!" She said cheerful and everyone yelled .
"Honey , would you like a drink?" Nanny asked sitting by her .
"Can't! Breastfeeding!" Stella said with a grin .
"Oh ! No worries!" Nanny said. . "Jennifer ! Give me another shot!" She yelled .
"Honey ! I'm home!" A man voice came through . "Jennifer! Hi!" He said giving her a kiss on the lips .
"The hell is this?" Kelly asked in shock .
"Oh ! My fiancé! Josh!" Jennifer said with a smile .
"Oh ? Fiancé?" Kelly asked in shock .
"Yeah ! It's just gonna be a fast wedding!" Jennifer said with a smile . "Like some beer?" She asked .
"Hell yes!" Josh said with a grin . "Oh ! You Severide?" He asked shaking his hand .
"Yes ! I am!" Kelly said with a grin . "Call me Kelly though!" .
"Will do!" Josh said before looking over at Stella and the baby . "Is there your wife , and baby?" He said stroking the baby's face .
"Sir , please don't touch my baby" Stella said upset .
"Honey , he is just saying hi!" Jennifer said trying to defend her fiance .
"But it's my baby!" Stella said upset . "It's not yours , now is it! I can have whatever rules with my child!" She said standing up . "I want to go , I'm uncomfortable" She said to Kelly .
"Mom ! It's our baby , please don't try and defend this man you probably only known for what a month now?" Kelly said  .
"No ! I've known him for a year!" Jennifer said upset .
"A year!" Kelly said upset . "Wow ! What much more are you hiding from me?" He said . "I'm done ! I'm going home ! This is why I didn't want to come anyways !" He said grabbing his stuff .
"Honey!"' Jennifer said trying to stop him .
"Mom! Please ! I don't wanna be here anymore!" Kelly said . "We are leaving!" He said as they walked out and he slammed the door .
"Well , that was shitty!" Josh said taking a sip of his beer .
"Josh!" Jennifer said rolling her eyes .
"What? I'm just saying!" Josh said sitting down .
"I'm sorry!" Stella said upset as they walked to the car .
"For?" Kelly said taking the baby . "My mom always does this shit ! It was another reason I didn't want to come , but I felt bad" He said putting the baby in the car seat .
"Because I kinda started this" Stella said buckling herself .
"No ! You didn't!" Kelly said shutting his door . "It was her that started it , not you!" He said giving his wife a kiss . "Now , let's head home and just enjoy us 3 as a family?" He said with a smile .
"Yeah ! That sounds better!" Stella said as they drove off . "Already said this , but I'm sorry" She said about 5 minutes later . "I'm sorry for even saying to him to not touch or baby" .
"Babe" Kelly said looking her grabbing her hands . "My mom obviously doesn't trust her own son and likes to lie to me , and also he is some man we both have never met ! I understand your reasoning to not wanting some old man touching her!" .
"Yeah but I got shitty with your mom , I let her friend touch our child ! What if she hates me now?" Stella said with a sigh .
"Hates you?" Kelly said with a chuckle . "If she does , I'll have a word with her . It's our baby , you carried her for 9 months , I made her ! So we can tell who does and doesn't touch our child , and plus he was a man , drunk at that ! Nanny wasn't all touching the baby , he was !" .
"True!" Stella said with a smile . "I just wanted a good easter because it's our babies first one!" She said .
"It was good!" Kelly said with a smile . "Now , let's head home and just enjoy our easter the three of us!" .
"Okay" Stella said with a grin .  When they got home an hour later , Stella and Kelly cuddled up watching a movie as Elliana was asleep .  They both just enjoyed each other company , until the baby woke up about 35 minutes later and they all 3 just cuddled up with each other , this was a better way to spend easter anyways.
hey so ignore me fixing any chapters ! if you see one of the old chapters just ignore unless you wanna re read it , i am just fixing some things up . also sorry this wasn't fun to read!

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