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{10pm Tuesday}

I was on my way home from my friends house. We had been studying and hanging out since school finished for our final exams.

My route home took 30minutes most days, 25minutes if I rushed. I enjoyed the walk it helped to clear my mind. Until I got to the end of my street.

I live on a T junction meaning there was only one way to get to my house and one way to get out. Every night I had to walk past the same group of boys. All in black. Black hair. Black make up. Black clothes. They also stood in the shadows of the streets. Bottles in one hand, cigarette in the other.

I cross the road to avoid them, keeping my head down and headphones in and speed walk towards my house.

There were 6 boys who stood out there most nights of the week. I don't understand why they were always out there. It was scary. They are all older then me in their 20's.

I'm 18. Long dark brown hair, greyish blue eyes, average height and weight for a girl my age.

When I eventually got to my house I went straight upstairs to my room. My parents were already asleep. I hung my bag on the back of my door and took off my coat and shoes. From my window you could just about see the 6 black figures.

I closed my curtains and changed out off my clothes, into my PJ's. I went down to the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water to take to bed with me then went to the bathroom. I cleaned off my make up brushed my teeth and brushed my hair out before tying it up in a bun.

Going back to my bed I peeped out my window to see if they were all still there. When I looked out they weren't anywhere down the road. They just disappeared. Who are these guys?

To Quick To Judge (Bad Boys) {Motionless In White Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now