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{8:47pm - Tuesday}

We've been inside the venue for a couple hours. A few support acts had come and gone, warming up the crowd. Josh and I hung around the back for the first part of the show but once the lights went down and the place roared with screams I pulled him into the middle of the crowd for the main event.

Sleeping With Sirens were first to take the stage. Their World Tour VT played on the screens before the place went dark again. Then out run the 5 guys. Gabe, Jack, Justin, Nick and Kellin.

'Lets hang the jury You sick judgemental fools I'll bury you six feet deep So tired of your rules. Fuck you and your opinions How could you be so blind? What goes around comes back around in time' Kellin jumped back off the platform.

I sung along and jumped around with the whole crowd. They were amazing.

During the break Josh stood behind me with his hands around my waist hugging me from behind. It was cute and comfortable I leant back on him slightly. He rested his head on my shoulder and I leant my head into his neck.

Next was Pierce The Veil. The curtain was up with their 'Collide With The Sky' floating girl logo. Shadows of the members began shinning through the material hanging before it dropped and the band started their first song. 'Hell above'

'I cannot spend another night in this home. I close my eyes and take a breath real slow. The consequence is if I leave I'm alone but what's the difference when you beg for love?' Vic sung whilst strumming at his guitar.

The crowd continue to go wild and mosh during PTV's set the same as they did for SWS

'My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me' I sung along to Pierce The Veil's last song bulletproof love.

The stage went black again. and the crowd began to cheer 'Pierce The Veil' The lights began to flash red and blue like a police siren. First walked on Kellin and Vic. The tune to King For A Day started playing through the venue.

'We got time for one more song but we can't do it with out the help of our friend Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens I'd like to say a massive thank you to everyone who's come tonight you have been amazing and I cant wait to see you all again soon' Vic announced to the crowd. Everyone screamed.

'Dare me to jump off of this Jersey bridge? I bet you never had a Friday night like this keep it up, keep it up, let's raise our hands I take a look up at the sky and I see red, red for the cancer, red for the wealthy, red for the drink that's mixed with suicide, everything red' Vic and Kellin sung together.

A mosh pit opened up on the floor right in front of me. A bunch of guys pushed passed to join in knocking me into it as well. I was terrified I'd never been to a gig like this before and I'd never been stuck in the middle of a bunch of people pushing each other and running around.

Josh jumped into the pit with me to help pull me out. When we eventually got out we stood at the side lines with Josh's arms around me for protecting whilst I danced and sung along to the last song.

At the end Vic, Tony and Jaime threw their guitar picks into the crowd. I tired to catch one but wasn't lucky enough. Mike threw a set of his drum sticks in to the crowd which again I wasn't lucky enough to catch one but when I turned around to Josh, he had one in hand.

'Oh My Fucking God!! You caught Mike's drum stick!!!' I shouted earning a bunch of dirty looks from jealous girls. I shot the dirty looks back at them. I wasn't one to normally retaliate to things like that but the energy from this gig and the way I look gave me the confidence to.

'I got it for you' He said with a smile handing me the stick. I took the stick from his hand and jumped onto Josh wrapping my arms around his neck. The jealous girls stood there with jaws dropped. I smirked at them and they soon walked away.

As we walked out of the venue I saw the merch stands. A Sleeping With Sirens team 'Strays' v neck t-shirt hung on the back wall. I run over to it pulling Josh along with me. 'I need that top' I pointed it out to the person working at the stand.

I looked at the other things at the SWS stand 'And that hat' I point towards a Tri logo snapback. I wasn't one to normally where hats but I'm thinking of trying a new style I like how I was tonight.

I put my hand into my jeans pocket to get my money. Josh stopped me and put his hand in his own pocket 'It's okay I'll pay' He insisted. I smiled and accepted his offer. The lady put the two items into a bag and handed them to me as Josh handed her the money.

Then the Pierce The Veil stand caught my eye. I tried to resist it considering Josh just spent $45 on me but I couldn't. I rushed over their and asked the man for the RV Tour Raglan black top with white sleeves. Josh pulled his money out to pay again.

'No it's okay I've got this one' I pushed his money back into his pocket.

'It's fi-'

'No, You just paid $45 for these plus you got us the tickets so I'll get this one. Do you want any?' I offered. He shock his head no. I turned back to the man.

'That'll be $25 please' He said I handed him the money swapping it for the t-shirt.

This time we really did leave and walked back to Josh's car. A smile stretched across my face

'Did you have fun tonight?' Josh grabbed on to my hand and I swung it as we walked.

'The best night ever!!!' I exclaimed. I took the hat out on my bag and put it on my head.

We got to the car, I stood by the door with Josh in front of me. 'I had a really good time too' He smiled. He moved closer to me and closed his eyes, his hands rested on my hips as his lips touched mine. My hands moved around the back of his neck pulling him closer to me to deepen the kiss.

To Quick To Judge (Bad Boys) {Motionless In White Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now