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{5:42pm - Tuesday}

'Ricky what the fuck are you doing here?' I shouted stepping out my front door and closing the door behind me. I didn't want my parents seeing him or hearing whatever he was here for.

Both of our faces shared shocked expressions but in different ways. Mine was shocked and angry that he had just turned up to my house moments before I'm going out on a date with one of his friends. His shock was eye opening, His eyes were wide as he took in my appearance.

Was it too much? The eyes? Does it not look good or something? My outfit? Was it to much attitude for me? I don't know.

'I-I errr' Ricky stammered on his words. I raised my eyebrow to try and hurry him up and spit it out. He looked down at the floor and began shifting on his feet. Was I making Ricky nervous?

'You look beautiful, stunning even' He quietly complimented me.

My cheeks burned red. 'Thanks'

He looked up at me and smiled. 'Are you erm going out somewhere tonight?' He asked this time managing to keep eye contact with me.

'Actually I am. Josh is taking me on a date'

'Josh what? No yo-you cant!' He argued

'Why not Ricky he isn't cold to me, he actually treats me with respect and he's sweet unlike some other people' I gave him a dirty look.

Ricky looked away from me and down the street as if he was watching out for someone. I looked in the same direction. No one was there.

'You just cant okay?' Ricky told me again. He had a slight look of anger in his eyes but I didn't care. I'm sticking to my ground.

'Yes I can Ricky and I will. So I'm going to go inside and come back out here in 10 minutes when Josh arrives to pick me up' I crossed my arms against my chest and screwed my eyes at him.

I unlocked my door and walked back inside. 'Sien-' I cut Ricky off by slamming my front door in his face. Who does he think he is coming to my house uninvited before my date with Josh telling me I cant go on the date? Who is he to tell me who I can and cant date? Who is he to tell me anything?

I let out a deep breath to calm myself down and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water to sip on whilst I waited.

I heard a beep of a car locking outside. I moved the curtain in my bedroom a bit and took a peak outside. It was Josh. I let out a little squeal and run to the bathroom. One last check before I go. My make up was still looking good. My outfit looked good. Hair was still straight and tidy. I took a deep breath and walked down stairs.

There it was, the knock at the door. This time Josh for sure.

I opened the door to see Josh in front of me. He had a Black Craft Cult top with a pair of black jeans. Like always he had a black beanie hanging on to his head.

'Wow you look... amazing' He complimented me I blushed again and stepped out my front door.

'You look very handsome to Balz' I complimented back. He smiled I think at both the compliment and that I'd called him Balz like most people do.

'Ready for tonight?' He asked.

'Ready as I'll ever be' I smiled. He put out his hand for me to take assorting me to his car.

To Quick To Judge (Bad Boys) {Motionless In White Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now