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{3:00pm - Tuesday}

The bell rung through the school indicating the end of class.

'That's all for today class. Don't forget to do some home studying for you final exam next week' Mr Mills announced to the class as we all began to pack away our things.

Jade, Megan and I walked out of our last class together and down the hall to wait for Bryan and Harry to finish lacrosse practice.

'Are you coming to Harry's to study with us S?' Megan asked me as we dodged around people in the busy hall. Everyone was rushing around to out of this place. I don't blame them.

'I-' I was cut off by my phone ringing from your back pocket.

'Your ass is ringing' Jade joked.

'Ha ha very funny' I was in a sarcastic mood today. I took my phone out my pocket and looked at the name covering the top of the screen. It was Josh.

'I have to take this one second' I told them and turned in the opposite direction to try and find somewhere quiet to talk to him.

I walked just past the cafeteria and sat at one of the outside table to answer the call.

'Hey Josh' I sweetly answered.

'Sienna hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight? If you haven't got any plans?' He sounded a little less nervous this time.

'I would love to. What you got in mind?' My cheeks tightened with a smile spreading across my face.

'I can't tell you its a surprise but dress casual. It's a date. I'll pick you up at 6' Josh told me

'Well I cant wait to find out. I'll see you at 6 bye' and with that I hung up.

I stood up and made my way back through the halls towards the guys gym lockers. There weren't many people around now only the few talking to teachers or those going to extra curriculum classes.

As I finally saw the girls they where chatting amongst themselves with Bryan and Harry beside them. I stood by them to catch what they were talking about.

'Seriously?' I exclaimed.

'Argh don't judge you only heard half a story' Jade shot back at me.

I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes.

'So who was that another one of your girlfriends' Bryan wiggled his eyebrows at me. These teases are going to stop unless I give them a reason to so that's what I did.

'Actually it was Josh. We have a date tonight' I said with a smirked. I turned away and left Megan with a jaw dropping expression on her face.

To Quick To Judge (Bad Boys) {Motionless In White Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now