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{4:03pm - Wednesday}

We sat in the car in silence. Ricky tapped the stereo and Slipknot began playing through it. I hit it back off.

'You cant play that!' I said to him.

'Why not?' He asked.

'Because she's 3 years old she shouldn't be listening to that I don't her mum to be questioning me about what her daughter heard'

'As if she's know what's going on' Ricky pffed. We both looked back at the little girl sitting in the back seat looking out the window with a smile on her face. 'Fine I'll put the radio on'

Soft pop music began to play though the speakers. A high pitched voice started singing along in the back of the car. That was something I did too as a kid I would always sing along to the songs on the radio even though most of the time I'd have no idea what the actual words were.

'What's got you smiling so much? Still thinking about that date?' Ricky questioned my smile.

'No I'm not thinking about that I'm thinking of how the person in the back is a little version of me and how you and I are taking her to the park' I smiled looking in my mirror at the little girl in the back then looking at Ricky.

He shock his head. 'I'm not taking her to the park you are. I just happen to be your ride that you blindly made me wait outside to take you somewhere else' He tried to eject.

'Would you rather me of called Chris to hang out with him and take Aria and I to the park?' I raised my eyebrow at him. He said no more.

We got to the park and Aria run off to play in the slides again. There were other kids around this time so I had to keep a closer eye on her. Ricky and I sat down on a bench opposite.

'Why did you tell Josh if you were going to take me to the show?' I asked him

Ricky sighed and rubbed his hands together. 'When he came round to get your bag he saw me buying the tickets so I told him. Didn't think there would be a need to lie but then he went and did that' Ricky said in a sad voice. 'But you had a great night so it doesn't matter, it probably wouldn't of been as good with me' He tried to sound like I was better off with Josh.

'I cant believe he would do something like that though' I shock my head in disbelief.

Josh doesn't seem like the type to do that. He was the cute nervous sweet type to make sure I got home safe, to take me for coffee, offer to take me on a date. Not to steal what someone else was going to do and get their before them, especially one of his best friends.

'Neither could I, When I asked Balz where he was taking you after you shut the door on me I tried to rush back to you house to tell you again but it was to late you were already gone so I just let it be. I guess I just wasn't make you to take you'

The guilt of shutting the door in Ricky's face took over and I felt sick.

Aria run around with another girl around her age playing tag.

But maybe Josh had a reason for doing it. I should call him. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I got to Josh Balz. I stood up from the bench and walked a little away from Ricky.

'Keep an eye on her please' I asked. He gave me a weird look but did what I asked.

I pressed call on Josh's name and it began to ring. After a few times he answered.

'Hey aren't I suppose to be the first one to call after the date?' he joked.

'You left it to long' I joked back. 'I have something to ask you. How did you know to get me the tickets for yesterday?' I got straight to the point.

'I told you Ricky gave me the tip' He kept his cool.

'But when? How did that even come up?' I fired another question at him.

'When I went to his house to get your bag Ricky was on his laptop buying some tickets. Thats when he told me you liked the bands' He still sounded normal.

'Who was he getting the tickets for?' I tried to see if I could catch him out to find out how much I can trust him.

'I don't know really he didn't say but probably for that girl he's been hanging out with a lot lately'

Wait what? Ricky's been hanging out with another girl a lot? Then why did he come to me? Am I his rebound? He was really cold to me the other day. Maybe she rejected him and thats why he came to me then tried to make out I was his first choice. Now I don't know who to believe.

'Alright thanks but I gotta go I'm baby sitting for a friend' I hung up and went back to where Ricky was.

I had a bunch of questions running through my mind ready to ask him.

To Quick To Judge (Bad Boys) {Motionless In White Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now