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{1:56pm - Saturday}

'Sorry I'm a little late. I erm dropped my book on the way, paper went everywhere' I attempted to make an excuse when really I was freaking out about what to say to him when I got here. I'm not the best at making conversation, especially with people i don't know that are the complete opposite of me.

'It's okay I don't mind waiting' He smiled again. Josh is so polite.

'I'm just come out straight and ask. What are you guys? your group? gang?' I rambled trying to find the right word to call them.

Josh laughed at me. 'Human. We are human' He smartly answered

I rolled my eyes and laughed with him. It made me more comfortable that he made a joke of the question instead of taking it the completely wrong way.

'You know what I mean. Why do you hang out there every night? What do you do? What happened last night? Why are you all such dark people?' Questions fired out of my mouth.

Josh sipped on his drink and raised an eyebrow at me. 'We just hang out talk, catch up, joke around have a good time. Maybe a few drinks. Last night things just went a little to far with the joke but everyone is cool with each other now Ricky's fine, Chris has calmed down. It was hardly a fight. Ricky fell cause he's just so light. Even wind knocks him over sometimes.' Josh chuckled.

I laughed along with him. So there's Josh, Ricky Chris and 3 others.

'We're not dark, it's just the style we like'

I shrugged my shoulders. If that's what they like I cant argue against it, even if it is a little scary at times.

'Can I get you a drink?' Josh offered, pointing towards the counter behind me.

''A decaf would be amazing. Thank you'

Josh got up from the table and went over to the counter, taking his drink with him to get a refill.

He really is a sweet guy. Not the terrifying satanic guy that I labelled him to be all this time. Maybe the rest are like him too if I got to know them. Maybe I was too quick to judge.

To Quick To Judge (Bad Boys) {Motionless In White Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now