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{9:27pm - Tuesday}

I walked down the street for the first time at night with my head up walking straight towards the guys. I thought it would be nice to say hi to them considering Josh getting me coffee and helping me, Chris giving me a ride and Ricky giving me a ride and getting me a new phone.

They were lightly laughing as I approached them. Cigarettes in Ricky and Ryan's hand. Bottles of different drinks in the other guys hands.

'Hi' I greeted all of the guys with a small wave.

Chris was first to notice me. He smiled and said hey back. Josh smiled and gave me a hug. Ricky gave me a small smile and looked away. Ryan waved at me. That left the other two I didn't know. I assumed one of them was Ghost from Josh's text yesterday but I didn't know which one.

Ryan must of noticed my awkwardness towards them and introduced me. 'This is Ghost' He gestured towards the one with half white half black hair. 'And that's TJ' He introduced me to the small slim boy. He seemed a lot like Ricky. Slim figure, black hair, tattoos, piercing's.

'Nice to meet you both and nice to see the rest of you again' I smiled

I looked back at Ricky but he was staring down at the floor bringing the cigarette to his lips. The swelling had gone down from earlier but his lip still looked pretty bad. I wonder if he told the guys what happened?

My phone was in my hand when I approached them so I put it away in my bag to not see rude.

'You got a new phone?' Chris pointed out. I took it out of my bag to show him.

'Yeah i got it yesterday from...' Ricky's head shot up to look at me. He widened his eyes at me and shock his head.

'From my brother, Oli' I continued. I guess Ricky didn't want them knowing he got me the phone. As soon as I finished my sentence Ricky looked away from me again. Why is he being so cold tonight?

TJ tapped Ricky on the shoulder and asked if he wanted to go to the shop with him to buy another pack of cigarettes. Ricky nodded and they both walked off down the street. Ryan run along behind them to catch up. I guess he was out too.

That left me Chris, Josh and 'Ghost' standing on the street. Chris passed the phone back to me and I put it in my bag.

'What's up with Ricky?' I daringly asked, trying not to sound to interested but enough to not sound sarcastic.

Ghost shrugged. 'He gets moody sometimes' fair enough.

'I think he got in a fight with someone. His lip didn't look that bad when I saw him the other day' Josh said as we watch they're figures fade to black. My cheeks went red.

I let my hair fall slightly in front of my face to hide my blush and tried to change the subject. The last thing I think me and Ricky both want them knowing is that I was the one who busted his lip again.

'I'm Sienna by the way, just in case you didn't know' Was the only thing I could think to say.

Ghost chuckled. 'I did, Balz told me earlier'

I smiled towards Josh.

'Do you wanna hang out with us for a while?' Chris suggested. I looked between them and my house.

After my day, spending hours at school in lectures and hours at Jade's eating a very unhealthy amount of junk food and revising for hours. I think the best thing to do is go home and go to bed.

'I've had a long day so I think I should go. My beds calling my name' I joked. 'Maybe another time?' I really do want to get to know these guys but not when my body's half in a sugar rush and half asleep.

They all nodded that we could do it again some other time.

I said my good byes and stepped off the curb to go to my house. I heard foot steps behind me followed by Josh beside me. 'Thought I'd walk you home'

I looked at him then at the dimly lit road. 'I live 5 houses away, you could see me from where you were standing' I tried to catch him out

'Fine I wanted to talk to you... alone. I really enjoyed the other day, that coffee with you. Maybe we could do it again? maybe go for something to eat?' He said getting quieter and slower towards the end. He was obviously nervous asking

I blushed slightly and my face turned to a massive smile. 'Are you asking me on a date?' I stopped outside my house and faced Josh.

He looked anywhere except at me. 'Bad timing?' He asked doubting himself. I couldn't help but smile bigger, He's so sweet.

'I'd love to. Call me?' I asked and continued walking to my front door.

To Quick To Judge (Bad Boys) {Motionless In White Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now