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{5:39pm - Wednesday}

I pushed Ricky back off me. My heart was racing and my cheeks were a deep red. He stumbled back slightly but caught himself on the fence.

'What the fuck Ricky!!' I half shouted as I pulled the front door closed a little so Aria couldn't hear us. I gave him a serious look. 'You can't do that! I'm with your best friend! I'm not a cheater either'

Ricky went to open his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

'Just go okay? Leave Ricky. Right now' I turned back around to the door and walked in, shutting it firmly then leaning against the back of it.

Aria looked at me over the sofa. I bit my lip to try and hold in any emotions coming out in front of her.

She jumped of the sofa and walked over to me in her sleepy state. 'Are you okay?' her sweet high pitch voice made me smile.

I nodded yes. 'Should we go watch a movie?' I asked her so we could both forget about what just happened.

'Big Hero 6!' She shouted.

'I love that movie!' I raised my eyebrows and widened my smile. Aria laugh and I laughed with her. I took her hand and we walked back to the sofa. I sat on one side and she climbed onto the sofa and laid down, resting her head on my leg.

I took the remote and put the movie on. As it started to play I run my fingers through Aria's soft silky hair. She laughed along to the funny parts which I did too. It was so refreshing to be around someone so young and careless.

But still in the back of my mind was Josh and Ricky. Did Josh really steal the date night off of Ricky? Why did Ricky kiss me when he knows I'm with his best friend? I needed to talk this through with someone but I don't really have anyone.

I cant talk to my parents they would just completely disapprove of me being near any of them. I can't talk to my brother because he will be to over protective. I cant talk to Megan or Jade because they don't know about Ricky and they will probably just tease me about it. I don't want to talk to Peyton just in case she gets mad at me for Ricky being around Aria.

Aria had fallen asleep about half way through the movie. I lifted her light body up and place her further up the sofa with a pillow under her head so my leg wouldn't hurt her neck. I continued to half watch the movie, half in my own thoughts.

Just as the movie ended Peyton walked through the door.

'Sorry the meeting overrun hope she wasn't to much trouble' Peyton kicked her heels off and flopped into the chair next to me.

I looked from her to a sleeping Aria beside me. 'She was no trouble at all. She's like a sweet little Angel. We went to the park and she made a new friend then we came home and watched Big Hero 6 but she was exhausted from the park and fell asleep before the end of the movie'

'She adores that movie' Peyton told me with a smile on her lips. I smiled back at her. I checked my phone for the time. It was 7:23pm.

'I should probably get home I still have a little studying to do' I stood up from the sofa and made my way towards to door. 'Your car seats here and the keys are on that hock. I wasn't sure where to put them' I pointed to the objects.

'Thats okay. Thank you so much for looking after her on such short notice' Peyton opened her purse to give me some money. 'Here' she passed it to me.

'Oh no its okay' I tried to give it back to her. I didn't offer her my service for her to pay me as a job.

'I insist' She smiled sweetly. It was hard to resist after she flashed her smile. She had kind eyes with red lips and Perfect straight white teeth

I thanked her and opened the door to leave.

I walked down to the end of the street my thoughts still clouded by Ricky. It was driving me kind of crazy. I thought again about someone I could talk to.

Chris? But is that a good idea considering he is best friends with Josh and Ricky? But then maybe he could give me advice because he knows them both well.

I text Chris asking if he could give me a ride home so I would have to journey to make the decision to talk to him or not. Depending on how I felt in the car with him.

I'm just at the store I'll be about 15minutes though? If you don't mind waiting then I'll give you a ride, Chris

Thank you I'll wait but don't rush yourself, Sienna

I sat down in the curb with my legs resting in the empty road.

Only 3 more chapters left

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