Birthday, family, stress

962 7 14

TW: Fluff, mentioning of ED, self-harm attempt, homophobia, alcohol

Charlie's POV:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ears. It's my birthday today, so family will be round later.

"Charlie! Your boyfriend is here!" Tori shouts from the bottom of the stairs.

I rush out of bed, put on a random hoodie, a pair of grey joggers that are WAY to big for me, and a pair of fluffy socks.

I rush downstairs, I spot Nick almost instantly, he's wearing a pastel yellow shirt with a badly drawn love heart on the right sleeve. I drew it last week.

I rush over to Nick and he picks me up and hugs me tight.

"Morning birthday boy!" He says, finally putting me down.
"I'm tired. How are you so full of energy? You were on call with Tara all night!" I say, my head falls onto his shoulder.
"Unlike you I slept the night before."

He pulls my face up towards his.

"Want a birthday kiss?" He asks with a smirk.
"Yes, please!"
He pulls my chin towards his and presses his lips against mine.

I met Nick in year 10, he was in year 11 at the time, we got sat next to one an other and got to know eachother well, until I formed a MASSIVE crush on him, Tao, Isaac and Elle tried convincing me he was "straight" but he clearly is not, after a few months of being best friends, Nick invited me to Harry's birthday party, I stupidly said yes. At the party there was a girl, Tara Jones, who Nick had kissed when he was 13, Harry dragged him over to Tara and they talked, meanwhile Harry started teasing me, so I got up and left, little did I know that Nick would come find me afterwards, me and Nick ended up racing up the stairs and into a room where there was peace, until I asked Nick if he fancied Tara, he said no and explained that he did fancy her but not anymore, so my dumb brain decided to ask if he had a crush on anyone at the moment, he said he did, so I asked what she was like, THEN NICK SAID THAT IT WASN'T A GIRL, I kept asking him questions until I asked if he would kiss me, HE SAID YES, leading us to kiss. Then it was ruined when Harry shouted on Nick, Nick got scared and ran away, I understand why. Nick came to my door the next morning and we started apologising to eachother, we decided to keep us on the down-low for a while, until Nick was ready to come out. He came out to his mum during the summer, it was nice. We came out a few months ago. Nick is 17 now and today is my birthday, I've just turned 16.

"Charlie! Hurry up and get ready, family is coming over later!" Mum yells, I jump, Nick notices.

Nick holds my hand and we walk upstairs and into my room, Nick sits on my bed and I stand between his legs and play with his hair.

What have I done now?

"Your room is a mess, your mum is definitely gonna yell at you."
"She already has." Nick looks up at me and pulls me onto his lap.
"What did she say?"
"She just called me lazy and stuff. The usual, "You can't blame everything on your mental illness!" and "Your just being selfish, not bothering to clean up!" so yeah. She told me that if I don't clean my room then I'm grounded for 3 weeks and that I'm banned from seeing you, but we all know my dad and Tori would back me up."
"Charlie, want to try tidying? Just incase?"
"Yeah, sure. Can you help?"
"Obviously, just get changed first then we'll worry about this, ok?"
"Yeah, ok!"

I open my cupboard and look for a shirt. They're all short sleeved...

"Nick, I can't."
"Charlie? What's going on?" Nick walks over to me and looks through my shirts.
"It's fine. You're already wearing one of my hoodies." I didn't even realise what I'm wearing, my face goes bright red, Nick chuckles.
"But what if my sleeves roll up and someone sees?" I start panicking.
"Sees what?"
"My scars..."
"But they're beautiful."
"To you, yes. To others, no. They'll probably think I'm disgusting."
Nick kisses my forehead and promises nothing will happen.
I trust him.

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