💙👑Young Royals x Heartstopper🍂💛 (Part 2)

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Wilhelm's POV:

Since I'm Crown Prince of Sweden, I need to go in front of everyone, including the 3rd Years. Simon is walking beside me, thanks to my begging.

While walking past all the Truham-Higgs students, 2 boys catch my eye. A boy with blonde hair and a boy with brown curly hair holding hands.

Are they a couple?


After introductions, uncomfortable handshakes and a tour, we have to go to our dormitories to meet our dormmates.

I expect me and Simon to split up and go separate ways, but we don't, we head up the same stairs and open the same door.

As soon as we walk in, I'm met with the same boys who were holding hands, now hugging.

We must share a dorm then.

They split apart and notice we're here, a shocked expression on their faces.

"Er-" The blonde boy looks so flustered it's actually funny.

The curly-haired boy doesn't hesitate to speak.

"Hello!" He waves at us.

Simon surprisingly waves back.

"My name's Charlie. Charlie Spring." They boy looks friendly, I guess?
"Simon. Simon Eriksson."

Simon seems so confident with him. It's like they've met before.


After a while, the blonde-haired boy finally speaks up.

"I'm Nick. Nick Nelson."

I hesitate, but introduce myself.


We shake hands and, surprisingly, it doesn't feel awkward.


Nick's POV:


Charlie and this other dude are really getting along, which, unfortunately, makes me slightly jealous.

"That's my boyfriend Nick!" Charlie points towards me.

I wave back at them.

I don't get why me and Charlie have a bed each, when we both know we'll be sleeping in the same bed anyway.

"Char, do you want to start unpacking?" I ask, annoyed by all the boxes around me.
"Er- yeah! Sure!"

We start unpacking, the other 2 unpacking their things too.


Once we're finished, it's time for dinner.

I open the door and see Headmaster Barnes standing there.

"Ah! Nicholas! May I ask if you could possible stay with the Crown Prince? It would be a great help!" He asks.
"Y-Yeah.." I stumble out words. "I guess so?"
"Good. Can you get Charles to do the same with Simon?"
"I can try."
"Good! Now hurry up to dinner."

He walks back downstairs and I go to tell Charlie about what Headmaster Barnes wants us to do.


Simon's POV:

I overheard Charlie and his boyfriend talking about the headmaster wanting them to stick with us.

I knock on the bathroom door, hoping Wille with let me in.

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