Holiday🏖️ (The final part)

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Charlie's POV:

"Where's your little boyfriend?" David asks.

I stay silent.

"Oi! I'm speaking to you! It's a bit rude to ignore people when they're speaking to you, you know." He scoffs.

"And what would you know about manners, David?" Reine laughs as David storms out the restaurant.
"Thanks." I mumble.

I'm not eating...

"Eat." Reine mumbles.
"Charlie. Eat." She says, grabbing my hand.
"I-I am!" I stutter.

She's the only one who's noticed...

"Mhm. Charlie, you do realise I've also got-" She stops.
"I-I am eating!" I say. It's hard to say "eating" without throwing up.
"I'll believe that when I see you take a bite out of your lunch."

She leans back on her seat and crosses her arms, not in an angry way though. Her desperate eyes stare in mine and I feel a sense of comfort wash over me.
She really is like Nick.

"Can you please eat? For-" She pauses. "For Nick." She continues.

The mention of Nick's name makes me feel ill.

"Fine." I mumble and take a small bite out of my roll.
"Thank you, Charlie!" Reine walks over to me and kisses my head.

She's such a comforting person in my opinion. She's probably where Nick gets it from.

Nick's POV:

It's been exactly 9 days since me and Charlie argued.

We still haven't sorted this out!

I know I should be the one to apologise but I just can't bring myself to speak to him.

Someone knocks on my door.

"Nick! We're going to the beach! Please come. I know your upset but Charlie hasn't been eating. At all! Please just come. You don't even need to come with us, just come. Please, Nicholas. I need to go. But please consider coming. I love you." Reine sighs and walks away.

And just like that, I'm up and grabbing clothes for the beach.

I don't know why, but I just have a bad feeling. Charlie will either do something ridiculously stupid, or David will do something. Or maybe both.


Half an hour later, I get to the beach and look around for my family.

After a few minutes of walking, I notice a group of people talking and laughing.

It's them.

I throw a rock down at them and hide, hoping someone will come up. Hopefully Charlie will.

And as I planned, the very pale looking, curly, black-haired boy comes walking up the hill.

He looks around for a moment.

He's seen me.

"Nick..." He whispers.

I wouldn't have heard him if I wasn't staring at his lips.

"Charlie. I-I-" I can't speak.


"I-I'm sorry." I manage out.
"Nick- hang on-"
"I was in a mood and snapped at you! I should've told you how I was feeling!"
"Y-You don't need t-to tell me e-everything!" Charlie mumbles as he's on the brink of sobbing, he starts to pulls his jumper sleeves over his hands.

I walk over to him.

"Charlie. This is my fault and I don't know how I can repay you! I hurt you and I now realise how much of a jerk I was! I've been in bed for hours a day, wondering when I'll text you. But I don't. I can only show you how much I love you, Char."

I walk closer to him.

I hold his head in my hands and kiss his soft lips. He smiles into it.

"I love you, Char." I whisper, with tears in my eyes.
"I love you too, Nick." He whispers back.

I just start crying.


Me and Charlie have talked. We're ok now.


Charlie's POV:

Nick has been apologising for the past half hour.

"Nick! Stop apologising." I say, placing my hands on his shoulders.
"Sorry." He mumbles.
"I thought I said sorry too much." I giggle.
"Oi!" He jokingly yells.

We start laughing

"Erm- Can we talk about it? only if you want to, though!" I say and quickly go into the bathroom.
"Y-Yeah. Please." Nick murmurs.

I can feel tears I my eyes, but I don't know why.

"Are you sure? We don't have to-" Nick cuts me off.
"I want to talk about it. Please." He's started to well up.

I walk out the bathroom and give him a hug.

We sit on our bed and face each other.

"My dad- he was an alcoholic for most of my life. And I guess every time I see him and David together, the flashbacks strike. I don't know how to stop them! Or stop them from coming back! It just happens-" Nick starts tearing up.

He continues speaking.

"I didn't want to  talk about it because I thought you'd laugh or think I'm being dramatic."

Nick starts crying.

I can't help but pull him into a hug.

"I'd NEVER laugh at you, or think you're dramatic! Because this stuff happens, and sadly it happened to you."
"But, Char-"
"Nick. I love you so much, and if you think for one second that I'd call you dramatic for something you can't control, you're VERY wrong!"

I pull his head towards mine and kiss his soft lips. His lips are salty and his cheeks are damp from crying.

It hurts seeing him like this...

"I love you." He rests his head against mine and our noses touch.

I kiss his forehead and he leans his head on my shoulder.

"I love you more."

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