Siblings don't always show their love

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Kai=9yrs old
Katherine=16yrs olds
Rosalie=12yrs old
Tori=35yrs old
Michael=36yrs old

Katherine's POV:

"KATHY!! GET UP FOR SCHOOL!!" Dad shouts from the hall.

The idea of going to school makes me feel sick.

I don't even have time to get myself up before Kai burst into my room.

"KATHY!!" He squeals.

He jumps onto my bed and wraps himself around me in a hug.

He's been at his friend Logan's house for the whole weekend so I'm not surprised he's excited to see me.

"I missed you!!" His voice is all muffled by my shoulder over his mouth.
"I missed you too, little man."


"Morning, Mum." I say, walking past Mum to make myself coffee.

I'm very much like Mum. We hate almost everyone, we hate getting up in the morning, and we both don't like loud crowds. Ew.

"Morning Mum!!" Rosalie hops into the kitchen with a packed-lunch in her hand. It's mine.

She skips over to me and holds out the bag with two hands.

"Here you go."

I take the bag and throw it onto the counter-top.


I scoff and roll my eyes..

"Kathy. Rosalie." Dad comes into the room, looking quite fed up.

I don't listen to my Dad, really. I never have. I'm my Mum's kid and always will be.

"What?" I roll my eyes again as he crosses his arms.

He raises his eyebrows, which I don't really mind because it means I've annoyed him.

"Go get changed, girls." Mum says, trying to break the tension.
"Gladly." I say sarcastically, barging past Dad.


I grab my phone from the table and I've got a text from my best friend.

K-"Who have you killed?"
S-"Nice to know that's your first thought when I text in full capitals ' KATHERINE HELP ME!!' it really boosts my confidence!"
K-"Your welcome. Now what's the matter?"
S-"You know that boy from our year group?"
K-"What one? There's like 10."
S-"Noah? Noah Greene?"
K-"Sienna no. You know who his dad is!!"
S-"I knowwwww!! But c'mon!!"
K-"If you tell me you've kissed him I'll cry."
S-"Remember that party last week?"
K-"Sienna! We've talked about this!!"

Dad shouts on me from downstairs.

K-"G2g my dad is shouting on me🙄 I'll see you at school!"
S-"BAIII!! I'll see you in a bit!!"

I start to tie my tie around my neck when Dad barges in my room.

"GET OUT!! WHAT IF I WAS GETTING CHANGED!!" I scream, covering my phone with my hand.

Dad has this thing were I'm not aloud my phone in the morning, but Mum says it's fine so I listen to her.

"Hurry up, Katherine."
"Stop using that name please."

Dad rolls his eyes and leaves the room.

I hate him.


Me and Rosalie get the bus to Higgs while Dad drives Kai to Truham.

"You alright, mate?" A girl from my maths class asks me.
"Yeah. You?"
"Detention after school, sadly."

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