I just focus on us. (Part 2)

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TW: Arguing, body image issues (a little bit but just wanted to be safe)

Darcy's POV:

I wake up and look up at Nick who's now playing with my hair.

"Morning, kiddo." He ruffles my hair, resulting in a giggle from me.

It's nice when he calls me that. It's comforting.

"Where's Charlie?" I ask.

I sit up and lie my head on his shoulder, slowly starting to drift off to sleep again.


It's 12pm and I've just woke up again.

No-one is in the room except me, so the lovebirds must be downstairs.

I crawl out of bed and head downstairs where I see Nick making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Hey!" He waves me over, his voice all croaky and dry.

He turns back to making breakfast.

"What're you making?" I ask, looking over his shoulder.
"French toast and bacon. You want anything?"
"French toast and bacon sounds like an absolute luxury."
"French toast and bacon it is for all of us."

I go into the living room and see Sarah on her phone while Charlie lies on the floor with Nellie.

"Hi?" I laugh as Nellie jumps onto Charlie's stomach.
"Morning!" Charlie laughs.

I sit beside Charlie on the floor.

He sits up and Nellie climbs onto my lap, snuggling onto me.

"Nicholas, I've stole your dog." I joke.
"Nooo!!" He whines, laughing after.


We're all sitting on the floor eating breakfast when Charlie asks a question.

"What are we doing today?" He ask, taking a bite out of his bacon.

Me and Nick shrug our shoulder.

Just as I'm about to reply, Nick's phone starts ringing.

"My mum's calling."

He stands up and walks into the hall.


It's been 5 minutes and all me and Charlie can hear is shouting.

"I'm gonna go check on him." Charlie stands up.

He walks out and the yelling stops.

Nick and Charlie walk into the room, Nick looking really angry while Charlie just looks annoyed.

"You two alright?" I ask.

They sit beside me on the floor.

"My brother is coming home from uni today." Nick head falls onto Charlie's shoulder.
"David?" I ask.

He starts tearing up.

"S-Sorry." He rushes out of the room, leaving me and Charlie worried.

"Will he be ok?" I ask, playing with Nellie's paws.
"I don't know."

David is an idiot. Full truth.


After a few minutes, Nick comes downstairs in a pair of jeans and a hoodie.

"Where are you going?" Charlie asks, sounding scared.
"We're going out. Go get ready."

Me and Charlie look at each other and shrug our shoulders before going upstairs to get ready.

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