I'd take your pain.

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Death: Charlie
Life: Nick

Death's POV:

I hate my job so much! It causes so much pain to others and I hate it...


I whip my head around and see him...



I turn back around and a little duck is trying to come near me, but I don't want it to.

"Why is it following me!?" I groan.
"It likes you!"
"Well, I don't like myself so bug off duck!"
"Why aren't you letting it come near you?"
"It'll die."
"But maybe his life is over?"

Life just smiles and walks towards the duck.

"Hello little ducky!"

He walks back to me and gestures for me to go forward.

I hesitate but give up, tears forming in my eyes.

"Goodbye little ducky!" Life smiles sadly, clearly hurt too.

"Goodbye." I cry.

It waddles towards me and I crouch down.

"It's your time to go..." I want to curl up in a ball and die...but I'm death itself.

The duck snuggles onto the floor peacefully, closing it's eyes.

Just as I stand up, it's soul appears.

I open the barrier between life and death and it makes it's way through.

"I hate my job! I hate this!" I sob.

Life comes towards me, frowning.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I scream, knowing the consequences.
"We'll switch roles."
"I'll take it."
"Take what?"
"Your job."

He ignores me and steps closer.


He ignores me and reaches out a hand, inches apart from me.


He grabs my hand and pulls me forward, falling right through him.


I turn around and the bright colours are turning dark. The flower crown on his head? Dead. His gown is black and his skin is a grey. His hair isn't blonde anymore...it's white.

"STOP!!" I cry out, tears rapidly flowing out my eyes.

He's lost all colour...

I look down at myself with fear.

My flower crown is alive and full of colour, my gown is bright, my skin is tanned and my hair is still black...

"Why..." I sob.

He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"I'd take your pain."
"Because I love you."

And that was it. Our roles had changed and I could be free, but his words kept racing in my head like a train.

"I'd take your pain."

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