Jealousy is Nick's worst enemy

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Nick's POV:

Me and Charlie are currently sitting in form, he's doodling in his maths book and I'm watching, holding his free hand.

"You still staying at my house tonight?" I ask, still slightly sleepy.
"Obviously." He kisses my hand and continues doodling.

There's a knock on the door, but no one pays any attention.

"Ah, yes! You can go sit with Nick and Charlie!" Mr. Lange points to us.

A few seconds later, a fairly skinny boy with blonde hair, blue eyes and glasses walks over to us.

"Hi! I'm Logan." He smiles at us.
"I'm Charlie! You must be new, yeah?" Charlie smiles back.

They start talking and laughing and smiling and I can't help but feel a tiny but jealous.


It's now lunch and yet Charlie isn't here with me, Tao or Isaac.

"Where is he?" Tao whines.
"I don't-"

I look past Tao's head and see Charlie with...Logan!?

"For f-"

Tao looks behind him and his face scrunches up.

"Let me get this straight- Charlie's ditched us for some Tom Felton wanna-be and you're jealous because that guy is flirting with your boyfriend?" Tao raises his eyebrows at me.
"Yep. I wouldn't say I'm jealous-"
"Nelson, look at yourself. You look like you could punch a wall and it'd just crumble."
"Already have and it already did."

Tao sighs.


It's been 2 weeks and Charlie hasn't had lunch with me and Tao at all.

I get into form and see Charlie scribbling in our notebook we share for different subjects, most of it is maths, but that's not the point.

"Morning, Char." I kiss his cheek.

I notice Logan isn't here.

"Where's Logan?"
"He's late."

We don't talk.

"Charlie, have lunch with me and Tao today."
"I can't."
"Why? I'm guessing you're hanging out with Logan?"
"He needs help studying."

Is he really that gullible!?

"You can't be serious!" I raise my voice in a whisper.
"He's been all over you for weeks!"
"He's a nice person!"
"He's flirting with you!"

Just as he's about to protest, Logan sits down.

"Sorry I'm late!"


It's the next week and we're all going round Tao's later tonight.

"So, how's it going with Charlie and Logan?" Tao asks.
"I told my pet pug all about it, and you're asking how it's going?"

Isaac chuckles.

"I'm being serious! I spent-"

Someone bumps into Tao and both of our drinks spill all over the table.

"Mate, watch where you're-" I stand up out of my seat.


"Nicholas Nelson. What a surprise." He smirks.
"What a surprise indeed." I roll my eyes.

Tao stands beside me and looks Logan up and down.

"So, you're the one who's taken Charlie away from us?" There's anger in his voice.
"Well, if you want to word it like that, yes."

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