🍂Date night gone wrong?🍂

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TW: Creepy/p3do acts

Nick's POV:

Me and Charlie are going on a date later so I've asked Mum to help me pick out an outfit.

"What are you planning to do after your date?" Mum asks, rummaging through my cupboard.
"Come here and watch a movie? I don't know!" I say, falling onto my bed and landing face first.
"Well you'll need to help me out here, Nicky."

I don't know what we'll be doing! How am I supposed to help?

"It depends on where Charlie wants to go!" I groan and roll onto my back.
"Here! Do you like this one?"

Mum holds out a plain-white button-up shirt, a cropped denim jacket, and a pair of grey jeans.

"Fine." I say, jumping out of bed and grabbing my outfit.
"Finally! It's a miracle, Nicholas!"

Mum laughs and walks out the room.


When I'm finally done getting ready, I walk downstairs and tell Mum I'm leaving.

"Ok, Nicky! Have fun! I love you!" Mum yells from the kitchen.
"I will! Love you!" I yell back.

I unlock the door and head over to Charlie's house.


When I finally get to Charlie's, I knock on the door.

A few seconds later the door springs open.

"Ah! Nick! You must be here for Charlie?" Charlie's dad answers the door.
"Yes sir."

Charlie's dad, Julio, shouts on him. A faint crash is heard from his room.

"Charlie?" His dad shouts.
"One second, Dad!" Charlie shouts back.

Julio turns to look at me.

"How do you deal with that boy?" He laughs.
"Because I love him?" I reply.

Julio freezes and looks me in the eyes.

He gives me a smile and pats my shoulder.

"You've brought out the best of my son, Nick. I couldn't thank you more."

I smile and hear running around.

"Charlie! Hurry up! Nick is waiting! He's been here for 10 minutes already!"

I chuckle and turn to look across the street.

"Hi!" A faint voice comes from the stairs.

My head spins around, I look up and there he is. My precious boyfriend.


Charlie walks over to me, Julio leaves and goes into the living room.

"You- You look- I...Woah." I stutter, clearly blushing.
"You don't look to bad yourself, Nicholas." Charlie giggles and kisses my cheek.

I look down at his crystal blue eyes and pull his face towards mine. Our lips connect and I subconsciously run a hard through his hair.

He's wearing some sort of wine coloured t-shirt with what seems to be a band logo on the front, a black cropped leather jacket and black skinny jeans.

Oh. My. God. How did I get so lucky!?

"Are you- Are you wearing makeup?" I ask, breaking away from our kiss.
"Just eyeliner? Why? Has it smudged? I'll go fix it if you'd like-"

I cut him off by kissing him.

"You look amazing." I mumble, covering my face with my hands.

Charlie kisses my hands and shouts goodbye to his Dad. He opens the door and we leave the house.

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