That's the dream.

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Nick's POV:

I wake up to my amazing little girl annoyingly hitting me with a pillow.

"Papa!!" She squeals and throws the pillow on the floor.

I chuckle.

"Shhh! You'll wake Daddy up!" I whisper.

She giggles.

"Let's go downstairs."

I climb out of bed and put the covers back over Charlie, placing a kiss on his head before taking Lily's hand and bringing her downstairs.


Lily plays with Daisy in the living room while I make myself a tea.

"Papa!" Lily jumps up onto the dining chair.
"Yes, Darling?"
"I'm hungry!"

I put my cup down on the table and go into the fridge for milk.

"Do you want breakfast?" I ask, pouring milk into my tea.
"Yes, please!"


I've just finished making her pancakes. Lily's a picky eater, which me and Charlie both agree that she's gotten it off of Charlie.

"Where's Daddy?" Lily asks with a mouthful of banana slices.
"Lily, no talking with your mouth full." I say, not in a harsh way, but a reminding way.

She swallows her banana and then speaks.

"Sorry, Papa!" She apologises, realising her mistake.

Charlie and I have discussed that yes, she's only 6, but that she needs to learn manners. Little things annoy Charlie, including talking with your mouth full. We've talked to Lily about it and she understands that it annoys Charlie, but sometimes she'll forget.

"It's ok! Just remember next time, ok? Daddy's sleeping right now." I say, taking a sip of tea.
"Ok!" She smiles and continues eating.


It's 12:17 and I've decided to make lunch for everyone.

"Lily, Darling! What do you want for lunch?" I call out from the kitchen.

A few seconds later, Lily comes running through to the kitchen with Daisy.

"LILY!! GIVE ME MY PHONE!!" Charlie screams from the living room, laughing.

Lily screams and clings onto my leg, laughing.

"Charlie!!" I yell as he chases Lily around the kitchen.


Once everyone's calmed down, I start making lunch.

"Papa! Can I help?" Lily asks, climbing onto a chair next to me.
"Well, you could get the butter and ham from the fridge if you want?" I say, taking the bread out of the bread bin.
"Ok!" she smiles up at me before running over to the fridge.

Charlie hates when she goes into the fridge because she uses a stool. I don't really mind it but I understand why Charlie worries. He grew up with Oliver so I understand.

"Be careful! Daddy doesn't like you up there!" I say, finishing my 2nd cup of tea today.

Lily climbs down from the chair and hands me the ham and butter. She drags a chair over to me and climb up onto it, standing on the edge.

"What ham did you get?" I ask, knowing exactly what one she got.

And as I guessed, she hands me a packet of Billy Bear cold-meat.

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