Falling for the boy at the park.

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Nick's POV:

I walk into the park with Nellie, holding a ball in one hand and Nellie's leash in the other.

"Come on, Nell! You want to play?" I ask, crouching down and petting her.

She jumps up and down excitedly as I untie her leash.

I get a grip on the ball and throw it as far as I can. She runs as soon as I throw it, chasing it down the park.

As I'm taking out my phone, a loud snap is heard from the tree beside me. I turn around and the branch is snapping off quite quick, really quick, actually!

There's a boy under it, holding a cat in one hand and a book in another. He's wearing blue headphones, a light yellow shirt and black shorts.

"Oh sh-"

I rush off the bench and run over to him.

As soon as I get to him, a louder snap is heard and that's when I realise the branch is about to collapse on top of us.

I push the boy out the way, throwing myself forward too.

"What the f-" The boy screams but he's cut off by the crashing branch landing at our feet.

That was a close one.

"Oh my God! Thank you!" The boy screams, panting.
"Er- no problem!" I say, also panting.

We stand up and he pets his cat carefully.

"Is that your cat?" I ask, watching him pet it so soft.
"Yeah! Her name's Luna!"
"Cute! I've brought my dog with me."


"Oh God!" The boy looks worried.

I look at him carefully, analysing every little detail about his facial features. We both go red as he catches me staring.

"T-Thank you! For everything!" He says quickly, clearly embarrassed.
"Y-Yeah! No problem!"
"My name's Charlie, Charlie Spring!" He says, looking away.
"Nick, Nick Nelson!"

He smiles at me and I feel myself start to burn up.

"Erm- c-can I get your number?" I ask, blushing.

I hand him my phone and tell him to type in his number.

As he does so, he also adds his Insta.

"Thank you!" I say and put my phone in my pocket.
"I-I'll see you later!"

He quickly walks away.

I turn around, climb over the branch, and sprint over to Nellie.

She's sitting on the bench holding the ball in her mouth.

"You scared me!" I laugh, panting.

I put her leash on and we head home.


I get home and Mum asks how it was at the park.

I tell her about the branch falling but nothing about the boy.

I go upstairs after talking to Mum. I go into my room and lie on my bed, just thinking about the boy.

I go onto Instagram and see I've got a text from him.

"Your battery level was quite low so I don't expect you to text but but I wanted to say thank you for helping me at the park! It meant a lot! And I was wondering if you might want to go back someday? I'd really like to get to know you! You sound like a really nice guy xx"

The "xx" at the end makes me blush, I'm not sure why.

Am I falling for this boy?
I don't know!
Maybe I'm being silly!
Or am I absolutely correct and I fancy him but just don't know!?
God help me please!

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