A Christmas kiss 😘🎄 (Part 2)

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Charlie's POV:

Great. Another party.

"Cleo, I would like you and Victoria to start designing cards and posters. Charles. Can you, Cormac and Elio go out and collect the decorations from the warehouse?" Mum asks.

I nod my head and finish dinner in silence.

I begin to walk up stairs when I trip and fall, I fall on my arm and my face hits against the edge of the step. I start to bleed.

I hear someone running. Cormac.

"Charlie! What in the ever living god happened to you!?" He yells, I cover his mouth with my hand.

Cormac pulls me up and brings me into the bathroom to clean me.

"This might sting a bit so hold still." He rips a wipe open and rubs it against my cuts.

I wince, he holds me still.

"Cory?" I murmur, biting onto a towel to stop myself from screaming.
"Yeah? You ok?" He puts the wipe in the bin, I sit on top of the counter top.
"You remember my boyfriend, Ben?"

He gives me a worried expression and nods.

"We broke up."
He throws his arms in the air and yells, "Oh, thank god! That guy was a jerk!"

I laugh, he laughs too.

"So, you ok?" Cormac leans against the door with his arms folded."
"I'm fine!" I chuckle, he cares for me.
"You know, you're like a little brother to me." Cormac chuckles and walks into the hall. "We'd better get going." He continues.

I nod my head and follow behind him.


When we finally make it to the warehouse, we gather all the boxes and pile them up.

"So, how are we going to carry 20 boxes back?" Elio asks.
"No idea, dude." Cory crosses his arms.

We start grabbing boxes one by one until Cormac runs outside, it takes him at least 10 minutes to get back. He walks back in and smiles.

"My van is outside, borrowed it off of my grandad last year, never gave it back."
"Oh, ok." I say, nervously.

We pick up boxes and start loading them into the van.

When we finally get all the boxes in, Cormac tells us to get in the back.


It's been 3 hours since we started decorating.

Mum shouts on me, I go upstairs.

"Charles. Where is your sister?" She asks with an angry tone.
"Don't know." I walk past her and begin to make myself tea.
"Don't play dumb with me. Where is Victoria, Charles?"
"I told you, I prefer getting called Charlie. And Tori has told you so many times that she hates getting called 'Victoria'."
"Go find your sister."

I huff and walk outside and into the garden.

I head down to the markets and have a look around for Tori.


After a few minutes I spot Tori and Michael sitting by a tree.

I walk over to them, "Tori, Mum has been looking for you-"

Just as I'm about to finish my sentence, Michael grabs me and Tori and pulls us behind a hill, out of sight from the market folk.

"Michael, what's going on?" I ask.
"Your mum. She's here!"
"What!?" Tori screams.

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