Holiday 🏖️ (Part 3)

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Reine's POV:

Nick and Charlie went upstairs during dinner, leaving me on my own with David and my Dad. Lucky, both Mum and Molly are beside me.

"Have you finished eating, Darling?" Mum asks as I stand up and push my chair in.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm going to go check on Nick and Charlie, if that's ok."
"That's fine. Make sure your brother is ok for me!"

Molly looks up at me with a smile.

"I'll come with you. I'm finished anyway!" Molly stands up and hold my hand.

I kiss her cheek and we start walking.

"Finally! It's just the normal family members at the table!" David scoffs and takes a sip of beer.
"David, just shut up! No-one cares about what you have to say! So there is no point of talking." I flip him off and me and Molly walk upstairs.


I walk over to Nick and Charlie's room and knock on the door.

It's locked.

"Nick? Charlie? Are you two ok?" I ask, knocking on the door again.

No reply.

"Nick? Charlie? What's going on?" I raise my voice a bit, just in case they didn't hear the first time.

Still no reply.

"Nicholas! Open the door!" I yell, they definitely would've heard that.


I bang on the door repeatedly. Waiting for an answer.

But there isn't one.


Molly covers my mouth and brings me into a little alcove beside Nick and Charlie's room.

"Shhhh- Your mum is on the stairs, she's walking up, right now! We can't worry her!" She whispers, still covering my mouth.

"Fine. But we need to look for them before my mum finds out they're gone!" I whisper yell.

Molly goes onto her tiptoes and kisses my cheek.

I look round the corner and watch Mum go into her room. I'm not surprised if David and Dad went to the pub.

I hold Molly's hand and we walk over to Nick and Charlie's room again.

"Have they got a spare key?" Molly asks tugging at my jumper sleeve.
"No. But surely they would've left the key here!"

I look around and something catches my eye.

The key!

I pick up the key and show it to Molly.

"I found it! It was in the plant pot beside the door."

Molly laughs and clings onto me, like she always does when she's anxious. I notice that Charlie does it to Nick as well.

I unlock the door and walk into the room. All the lights are off and there's a note on the mirror.

"Hey Reine! We'll be back by 9pm! We've gone to the beach, something is up with Nick so we took a little walk. Sorry for leaving you, Molly and your mum with David and your dad. I'm really sorry! Love- Charlie x"


"They've gone to the beach." I sigh and walk out the room, Molly still clinging onto me.


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