Everyone's arguing.

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TW: arguing

Tara's POV:

When I walk into my form I notice Darcy staring at Elle.

I walk over to Darcy and sit next to her.

"What's going on? Is Elle ok?" I ask, Darcy just shakes her head.
"Her and Tao have been arguing all night." Darcy's head falls onto my shoulder.

Tao and Elle arguing!? They never argue!


Darcy, Sahar, Elle, Tao, Aled and I have been invited to Nick's house for a sleepover since his mum is away for a few nights.

"So, we all going?" Aled asks.

Everyone nods.

I look at Elle and then look at Tao.

"When is Nick and Charlie getting here?" Tao asks, curiously.
"Nick said they'd be here in a few minutes." I say, playing with Darcy's hair, she's curled the ends.

We sit at the park for a while, Nick and Charlie walk over to us and everyone starts talking.

I keep catching Nick looking at Tao.

I walk over to Nick and sit beside him, he's on his own.

"What's going on between them?" Nick asks, I lay my head on his shoulder.
"Darcy and Sahar said they've been arguing non-stop." I sigh.
"Oh." Nick's head rests on mine.

Nick is the one person I can actually be myself around, beside Darcy, he just makes me feel safe. Charlie's lucky to have him.


Skip forward 3 nights and it's now Saturday, the night of the sleepover.

Darcy and Sahar are dancing to 'Cruel Summer' by Taylor Swift, Aled is doodling on his arm while talking to Tao, Elle and Charlie are discussing their favourite bands, and Me and Nick are deciding on a film.

Charlie crawls over to us and sits on Nick's lap.

I laugh a bit, "What's going on with Tao? He looks annoyed."
Charlie looks at me and frowns, "He won't tell me."
"Tao and Elle are arguing alot so maybe that's why he's annoyed?" I say. I glance over at Elle, and then at Tao.

Charlie snuggles up into Nick's chest.


Me and Nick are sitting on the floor, Charlie's snuggled up on Nick's lap and I'm sitting on Darcy's. Aled is sitting with Sahar in between Tao and Elle on the couch.

Tao starts mumbling something, Elle looks at Tao and yells, "What did you just say!?"

This is where it begins.


Elle's POV:

Tao mumbles something under his breathe. I hear my name and that's when I snap.

"What did you just say!?" I yell, everyone looks at me.
"I was just saying how much of a cow you're being!"


"Who do you think you are!? I came here to have fun with our friends! Not sit here bickering with my boyfriend!"
"You don't even like me."

I don't like him! I love him...

"You don't like me. You'd be better of with some posh guy from Truham!"
"The only guy I want is you, Tao! I don't know why you're acting like this but we can't keep going on like this. I think we'd just..." The words stop coming out my mouth.
"What are you trying to say?" Tao looks at me, his eyes widen in realisation.

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