Holiday🏖️ (Part 2)

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TW: Homophobia, mentions of abandonment 

There will be some speaking of French so I'd recommend having 'Google Translate' open in another tab

Charlie's POV:

It's 3 days till our Holiday.

Me, Nick and Reine have been binge watching 'Hunger Games' all day.

"So, is anyone actually excited for our holiday?" Reine asks, while eating a melted Mars bar.
"Since David is coming, no. Since Dad is coming, no. Since you and Charlie are coming, yes." Nick says while handing me a bottle of Lucozade Sport.

Reine chuckles.

"What's so funny?" Nick asks.
"You really hate him, don't you."
"No, yeah. I've held a grudge against him for over 4 years now."

Reine just laughing.

"Nick." She says with a calm tone, holding the laughter back.
"What? What have I done now?" Nick starts nervous laughing.
"I hate him too."

Nick makes a face, a face that he only does when he has no idea how he feels.

"I heard him talking about me in French to David last year. Haven't spoken to him since."
"Why do you hate him?"
"He abandoned me. Stopped talking to me. And then left when I came out to him."
"And I thought my reason was harsh!"

We all start laughing.


It hits 10pm and everyone heads to bed.

Me and Nick say goodnight to Reine an go to bed.


It's 2 days till our holiday.

"Char? Are you asleep?" Nick asks.

I flip my head round to face him.

"Morning." I whisper.
"Morning." Nick says. His voice all croaky and dry.
"You ok? You sound a bit ill." I say, placing my hand on his forehead.
"I'm fine, I've just not had a drink yet."

Nick picks up a glass of water from his beside table and takes a drink.

"See!" His voice is soft and smooth now.

I give him a kiss and we get out of bed.


Nick gives me a piggyback downstairs. He carries me into the kitchen and places me onto the counter top.

Nick starts making Pancakes for us to share.

"Morning, guys!" Reine walks in the room. 

Reine walks over to us and pats my head. I smile.


Sarah, Nick's dad and David wake up half an hour later.

"Morning!" Sarah shouts from the kitchen.

Me and Reine are discussing what kind of movies we like, since Nick left to go to the toilet.

"Charlie? Can I ask you something?" Reine taps my shoulder.
"Yeah, ask whatever you want."
"How long did it take you and Nick to publicly come out?"
"Oh. Well, we started dating like mid April, so I'd say it took around 3 months? Yeah."
"Nice! Me and my girlfriend have been going out for 4 years now."
"That's so cool!"
"Thanks! My girlfriend is coming on the trip with us, if you want to meet her, you can!"
"Yeah! Will do!"

Nick walks into the living room.

"What're you two talking about? David tried talking to me, that's why it took me like half and hour!" Nick laughs and sits beside me.
"I was just asking if you two would want to meet my girlfriend." Reine smiles at me and Nick.
"Yeah! That'd be cool!"

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