We're Nick and Charlie.

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Nick's POV:

"Yeah, fine. No problem."


It's been 6 months and no-one has said a word about our break up, even though everyone's obsessed with us.

"Nick, mate! Your girlfriend is calling!" My roommate, Alex, calls from the living-room.
"She's not my girlfriend!"

I walk into the room and pick up my phone.

"It's 7pm on a Saturday so if you're asking if I'll come to a club with you then I'll be there in 5 minutes."
"That was easy!"

Alex stares at me and then starts laughing.

"What?" I ask, going into our room for clothes.
"That call was...something."
"Yeah, well, I answered the phone last night to a drunk Olivia."
"That must've been rough."

I find a pair of jeans, which I don't really want to wear, but put them on anyway.

"Jeans? Who are you?" Alex laughs, standing at the doorframe.
"Thought I'd change it up a bit. Also, are you coming with me or are you just going to stand there and watch me getting changed." I tease.
"Very funny, mate."


We get to the club and Alex asks if he can stay with me, since he's not very good in clubs.

"Yeah, just don't get lost. I'm not drinking and neither are you."

We sit at the bar and I order us two waters.

"Why water? Couldn't you have at least got me orange juice?" Alex whines.
"Who's paying?"

He stays silent.



It's 12pm and Alex has disappeared to the toilet.

I actually don't know where Olivia is. Which is a surprise because she'd usually be clinging to me.

I walk over to the toilets and wait for Alex when people start shouting behind the wall beside me.

"Get off! What is wrong with you!?"
"What is your problem!?"
"I told you to go away!"

Then there's a crashing sound. Everyone seems to be too drunk to notice so I guess I need to interfere.

I turn round the corner and look at what's happening.

"You started on me!"
"I was with my friends!"
"And where are they now?"
"Shut up."

Another crash is heard and before I know it, I'm pulling the guy off of the other and punching him across the face.

"WHAT THE F-" He stops and stares at me before running off.

I turn around to see if the other person is ok when I realise who it is.

Charlie Spring...

"N-Nick?" He looks terrified.

I take his hand and drag him outside the club, scared he might be drunk.

When we manage to get outside, we sit on the pavement and I quickly text Alex to let him know I'm ok.

I put my phone away and turn to look at him.

God. He's still as cute as he was back then.

"So, who was that?" I ask, crossing my arms due to the cold weather.
"J-Just some guy."
"Do you know him?"

There's an awkward pause.

"Thank you." He mumbles.
"Not the first time I've done that."

He chuckles.

"Thanks for that too."
"No problem."

There's another awkward pause.

"I'm sorry."

Because I was an awful person to you that night and I shouldn't have left and I should've just drove you back to mine and we could've sorted it out in the morning.

"Because I left you there."

He stares at me, cheeks turning red.

"I-I missed you..." He whispers, just loud enough that I hear.
"I missed you too."

His eyes fill with tears.

"Nick...I'm a terrible person."
"No you're not."
"I am! I was such and idiot! It was my fault we broke up!"

I go to speak, but I have no words.

"Sorry for everything."

He stands up and starts to walk away.

I can't just let him leave! I can't let him make the same mistake I did...

I run up to him, pull him in front of me by the arm and kiss him.

He pulls away, a slight dazed expression on his face before his lips are back on mine.

Oh, how I missed this!

We pull away and stay silent, still holding each other.

"I love you. And I always have." I say, a tear falling down my cheek.

He smiles, tears dripping down his face.

"I love you too."


We go back to my dorm-room, hand in hand.

"Wow." Charlie gasps, looking around.
"Yeah. This place is really fancy."

I shut the door behind us and we go and sit on the couch. He cuddles up to me and we continue talking about us, about our life together and how boring it's been without each other.

I kiss his head and he looks up, kissing me on the lips. We pull away but instantly our lips reconnect but this time it's more heated and before you know it, I'm carrying him into my room, still kissing. We fall back onto my bed and I start to kiss his neck, like I did when we were in school. He tugs at my shirt and I nod, he takes it off and you can obviously see where this is headed.


We're lying in my bed, his head on my stomach and legs dangling of the bed.

"I missed this," I say, playing with his hair. "no, I missed us."

It's true.

I've missed us.

Because, well...

We're Nick and Charlie.

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