Holiday 🏖️

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TW: ED, OCD, homophobia

Nick's POV:

Me, Charlie and Tori have been at the park with Oliver for a few hours. It's been nice. I tried teaching Ollie how to play rugby, Charlie joined us shortly after Oliver destroyed my hips with very rough tackles. Tori sat and laughed at me the whole time.

Oliver is currently dragging us over to the ice-cream van that's parked a few minutes away from the park.

"Nick! Carry me!" Ollie whines while clinging onto my leg, making it impossible to walk without tumbling onto the floor.
"Ollie! Get off!" I laugh and shake my leg.

Tori comes beside me and grabs Oliver by the ankles, lifting him into the air and over her shoulders.

"Stop bothering Nick!" She says, patting his head.

Oliver screams my name repeatedly, hoping for my attention.

Charlie comes behind me and grabs my hand.

"Hi." He whispers against my ear.

I kiss Charlie's head and ruffle his fluffy black hair.

"Come on!" Charlie starts running to Tori and Oliver, dragging me along with him.


After a few hours at the park, we decide to go back to Charlie's house.

Tori opens the door and Oliver rushes into the living room to give his mum and dad a hug.

"Hi, Nick! Not seen you round here in a while. How've you been?" Charlie's dad asks.
"Hi! Yeah, I've been ok! Just glad school is finally over!"
"Happy it's finally summer?"
"Yeah, yeah. Really happy!"

Charlie's dad, Julio, is a nice, funny and a very comforting person in my opinion. I don't know how Charlie and Tori see him but, he's a nice guy.

"Erm- Dad?" Charlie mumbles.
"Yes, Charlie?" Julio looks at him with a worried expression.
"Can we talk in the kitchen?" Charlie looks at his mum, who appears to be reading a made up Facebook story?

Julio nods and we all walk into the kitchen.

"Dad. Can I stay at Nick's house this week?" Charlie asks, grabbing onto my hand.
"Is this because of your mother, Charlie?"
"Yeah. Sorry! I just don't want to keep fighting with her!"
"As long as Sarah is ok with that then that's fine."
"Yeah, my mum is ok with Charlie staying." I but in, trying to help Charlie.

Charlie hugs his dad and thanks him.

"I'm guessing you were wanting to leave tonight?" Julio asks.
"Yeah, if that's ok."

Julio nods and Charlie drags me upstairs.

"You ok?" I ask, sitting on his bed while he searches for clothes.
"Yeah. Me and my mum have been arguing lately and you were saying that I should ask to stay over this week. So I did."


After 15 minutes of picking out clothes and another 15 minutes spent playing Legos with Ollie, Charlie's finally ready to go.

When we finally get to my house, Charlie points out a red car behind my Mum's car.

"Who's car is that's?" Charlie asks, hugging my arm.
"No idea."

I open the front door and we walk into the living room.

"You're home early! Have you and Charlie had a good day?" Mum asks.

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