💙👑Young Royals x Heartstopper🍂💛 (Part 1)

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In this chapter, Higgs and Truham have combined into Truham-Higgs. Truham has changed into a boarding school, along with Higgs, resulting in them combining into 1 huge school. There is 2 different houses they live in. The Truham part is for the boys while the Higgs part is for the girls. Hope you enjoy this Young Royals and Heartstopper crossover story!! (Hillerska students will be introduced in the next chapter!!)

Charlie's POV:

Our school has changed over the past few years. To having to go home after every day, to staying till the holidays.

Our school has 4 houses, sort of like in Harry Potter. There's Green House, Blue House, Red House and Yellow House. I'm sadly in Red House.

Every dormitory has 4 people in it, but my dormitory only has me and my friend Asher. I'm not sure why we've only got us, but all I know is that today is the day we switch dorms. No one knows why we're all switching, but it definitely has something to do with the quiz we got last night.

The 1st bell goes for the Year 8s, then the 2nd for the Year 9s, the 3rd bell for the Year 10s, and finally, the 4th bell for the Year 11s, which is me.

I grab my phone to text Nick, but he's beat me to it.

Nickkk 💙

N-"Meet me at the canteen?? I love you xx"
C-"Clingy much? I love you too x"

Nick Nelson is a year older than me, so he's in Year 12 right now. We've been going out for a year now. Everyone knows about us, which is helpful since Nick is literally everyone's crush, but somehow, just somehow, I ended up with him.

I make my way down to canteen doors to wait for Nick, but he's already there.

"How are you already here?" I ask as he takes my arm.
"The Year 12s have the small staircase, remember?"
"Oh, yeah."

We walk into the canteen, get our breakfast and sit at our usual seats.

"I hate how Year 12s and 13s get to sit wherever but we don't!" My best friend, Tao Xu, is talking to Isaac Henderson, our best friend.

Isaac just listens to Tao's rant, adding in a "mhm" and a "definitely" wherever feels needed.

Both Tao and Isaac are in Yellow House while me and Nick are both in Red House, making it difficult to see each other during the day.

"Oi! Nicholas! Why you sitting with the losers!?" Harry Greene shouts from the Green and Blue House table.

Nick turns to him and flips him off.


Just as the Year 9s are about to leave the canteen, Headmaster Barnes walks in.

"Excuse me! Gentlemen!" He calls out.

Everyone's attention snaps to him, a few Year 13s ignoring him.

"Harry Greene! Ben Hope! Attention, please!"

We all turn to look at him.

I hate him so much. Over the past few years, he's showed to me how much of an idiot people can be. In this world, you will only find one person like him, and that is here.

"Today, as you all know, will be a very different day to every other day!" He starts. "For the people who may not know, students from Sweden will be arriving today."

Loads of groups break into conversations of whispers and gasps.

"Sir! Why are they coming here?" Christian, me and Nick's friend, asks.
"Because, Christian, their school shut down."

There's a loud gasp from someone at Blue and Green's table.

"Will the crown prince be coming here!?" Someone asks, his voice echoing around us.
"Yes, James. Crown Prince Wilhelm will be staying her until he graduates, unless his parents home-school him."


"All classes will be stopped, just for today."

I hate his voice!

"And, sir, why did we take a quiz last night?" People really do want answers.
"The quiz will be for who will be put in your dormitories from Sweden."

Everyone starts chatting again, including Tao.

"No, but, what if I get partnered with a jerk?" He whines.
"Then you'll need to suck it up." I shrug my shoulders.

He lets out a groan.

"Hillerska students will arrive in 5 hours, so please, clean your dormitories."

He leaves and the whole canteen erupts into chaos.


Asher left a little while ago, leaving me on my own.

"Char~" A voice sings from outside the door.

The door opens to reveal a very happy looking Nick.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask, curious to why he's got a massive grin on his face.

He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and under my shirt.

"Asher said that they Swedish students' plane just arrived." He mumbles into my neck.
"Mhm?" He kisses my neck.
"Do you think we'll be together?"
"In the same dorm?"
"Yeah." I whisper, a bit embarrassed.
"I hope so."
"Me too."

Suddenly, the door swings open.

"Nick and Charlie! The bus is-" Christian stops.

He looks at us for a few minutes, Nick's hands still wrapped around my waist and my head leaning against his shoulder.

"Ew. Romance."

Otis walks by him as he leaves.

"I see this too much. Anyway, the bus is arriving in 15 minutes."
"Right." Nick kisses my cheek and takes my hand in his.

Otis puts his arms out towards the door, gesturing for us to go in front.

Nick leads me downstairs, Otis following behind.


When we finally get downstairs, we're met with a massive crowd.

"Are they here?" I ask.
"Must be."

I get another quick kiss from Nick before the crowd starts to make a space in the middle.

The students from Hillerska are here at Truham-Higgs Boarding School.

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