I just focus on us. (Part 1)

273 4 37

TW: Slight abuse, discrimination, homophobia

Darcy's POV:

Dad has been acting so weird lately, and I haven't seen Mum in a few hours either.

Seeing as Dad is probably still asleep, I go into the kitchen to make myself lunch. I open the cupboard to find...nothing?

I slam the cupboard door shut and throw Mum and Dad's bedroom door wide open.

"Dad! Why's there no food?" I yell, causing Dad to pause his game and turn to look at me.

I guess he isn't asleep after all.

"Me and your mother had a few friends round last night. While you were at your friends house." He looks drunk, if I'm honest.


"Why? What am I going to eat?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

Dad continues his game, ignoring my panic.

I go over to Dad in a fit of rage and throw his controller on the floor, it breaking apart.

A scared feeling rushes through my body as I realise what I've just done.

"DARCY OLSSON! HOW DARE YOU BREAK ONE OF MY BELONGINGS!" Dad yells, standing up from his chair.
"I-I didn't mean to!" I try defending myself.
"You can tell that to your mother!" Dad huffs and picks up his broken controller.
"Dad! I didn't mean to! I just wanted your attention!" I'm trying not to cry.
"Well, you should've thought about it first!" He raises his voice.
"Please don't tell Mum! I'll buy you a new one!" I beg.
"I've had enough of you! Just wait until your mother gets in! You're already in enough trouble after what your mother read!" He yells.

What did Mum read? Me and Tara's texts? No. My diary? No. It's hidden.

What did she read?

"What did she read?" I ask, trying not to seem suspicious.

Dad smirks.

He's hungover.

"Just wait until she gets in and you'll find out."
I huff, "Fine!"

I walk out of the room, slamming the door shut behind me.

I walk into the living room and throw myself down on the couch.


I'm lying in bed listening to music on my speaker-'This Is Home' by Cavetown is playing.

Just as it gets to the best part, my door springs open.


I switch off my music and climb out of bed.

"I had music on." I stand in front of Mum.
"Get downstairs! NOW!"

I barge past her and make my way downstairs, Mum following behind.

I sit on the couch opposite from Mum and Dad.

"Why am I here? Has someone died?" I ask, nervous.

Dad pulls out a book from the drawer and hands it to Mum.

My diary.

"Where did you get that!?" I worry.
"Under your mattress." Mum huffs.

Why was she in my room!?

"So, are we going to discuss what's in it?" Dad asks with a questioning look.
"Yes, we are." Mum stares at me.

She knows about me and Tara...

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