Author's Note

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I've got bad news and good news!

Bad news: I don't think I'll be posting much this christmas because I've had a lot on my mind lately and it's almost christmas and I've been really stressed

Good news: I will continue writing a few one-shots at a time but I won't be posting it until I've fixed my sleep schedule because it's not healthy for a 13 year old to be waking up at 2pm every weekend and going to bed at 6am/7am/8am...

Sorry to disappoint!


My best friend is the definition of hell! So basically me and this boy had a crush on each other but didn't know, he started flirting with me while I was on call with my best friend, she seen this and decided to take matters into her own hands, she texted the boy telling him to ask me out and saying that it's obvious we fancy each other. I go get my dinner and the boy texts me, a while later my best friend sends me screenshots of her and the boy's texts, I looked through them (It was just her telling the boy to ask me out and stuff) I don't believe her so I text the boy and send him the screenshots asking if he's being serious, he finally admits and says he was serious, I freak out and my best friend starts ranting on about how we're perfect for each other and how we fall to our knees for each other, that sort of cringe! (Keep in mind me and the boy had a massive argument the night before!!) I finally ick up the courage to say yes, I took a while for me to answer because I was scared of what his friends will say (HE'S ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR BOYS IN MY CLASSES!!!!) because me and the boy have went out before (I was already going out with someone at the time and got framed for cheating even tho my brother texted the boy saying yes while I was away) and his pals hate me I think, and I sit next to his BEST friend so yeah kind of doomed but yeah! We're dating in secret, only my 2 best friends know bc they like gossip and I can trust them not to tell anyone!

Sorry for the weird ranting/story telling thingy there!

Anyway I'd better try getting sleep I just stop sleeping all together.

Love you allllllllllll!!!

-Kitkat x


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