The new boy.

269 3 16

Nick: 17   Charlie: 15   Tao: 15   Elle: 17   Liam: 17   Orla: 15

Nick's POV:

Charlie's going out with a few friends today while I go into town with Mum. I don't want to go with Mum, I want to go with Charlie.

"Charlieeeee!" I whine as he chucks a pair of joggies at me.
"What-y?" He laughs.


I watch as Charlie walks down the road to Tao's, wishing I could go with him.


Charlie's POV:

I reach Tao's house and knock on the door, wishing Nick was here with me.

"Charlie!!" Tao hugs me.
"Hi, Tao."

I walk inside and see Elle sitting with a boy and a girl I don't recognise. It worries me.

"Hi, Charlie!" Elle stands up and hugs me.

I sit beside Tao and the boy sits the other side of me.

"Hi! I'm Liam!" The boy shakes my hand.
"Erm-hi? I'm-I'm Charlie."
"Nice to meet you!"
"N-Nice to meet you too."


Liam is actually really cool! We've been talking and we're both interested in the same things, he's also gay!

The girl next to Elle is Liam's sister. Her name's Orla. She's pretty quiet, but we've had a few conversations.

"Tao! What's the time?" I ask, taking a sip of my lemonade.

Liam is standing next to me at the kitchen table.

"I don't know, the clock is broken! Check your phone!" Tao shouts from the living room.

I go to take my phone out my pocket before Liam nudges me.

"Where you going? Why do you want to know the time?" He asks, leaning over to me.
"I need to get home. Doing a family thing tonight."

By "family thing", I mean I'm watching a movie with Nick and his mum.

"Oh, that's too bad! We were just getting along." Liam whines.
"I might not need to go, it depends on the time." I laugh.
"Maybe so."

I try taking my phone out my pocket but a hand pushes it back in.

"What are you doing? I need to-"
"Please stay, Charlie!" Liam rubs my head.

I step to the side, take my phone out of my pocket and turn it on.

2 missed calls from "Nick💙"

I look at the time, 16:58.

"I need to go! I'm really late!!" I rush around and grab my bag from the couch.

I text Nick telling him I'll be home in a few minutes.

"Sorry, Tao, but I really need to get going! I'll text you later!"

I hug Elle goodbye and step out the door. Liam grabs my hand and hands me a folded up note. I don't say anything, stuff it in my pocket, and run home.


Me and Nick are lying on the floor with Nellie while Sarah sits on the couch.

As we always are, we're watching Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl.

"Charlie, dear, how was your day out?" Sarah asks.
"Oh, it was ok! I met this really nice guy and his sister!" I smile up at her.

Nick places his head on my lap, kisses my stomach, and continues watching the movie.

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