Paris Squad 🤞🏼💗

440 8 10

TW: Slight homophobia, David, mentions of abuse, running away from home, Alcohol

Nick's POV:

I wake up and feel something breathing on my neck, someone breathing on my neck.

It's Charlie.

Charlie slept over last night, it's been a while since he's slept at mine.

It's Tara's birthday in two days so we're all going out on a day trip to the beach or something, Darcy planned it so no wonder we're all clueless.

"Char, you need to get up. It's 7:21 and we need to meet the gang at the café down town at 10:30."
"Mmmm, five more minutes!" Charlie groans and digs his face into my chest.
"Nope! Darcy's been planning this for weeks! We can't let her down!" I kiss Charlie's head and he sits up.

We walk downstairs and see that no-one is home. There's a note on the fridge.

"Away to work, won't be back till 8pm, your brother should be home by the time you wake up. Love you boys, have a good day with your friends x"

"Wait-" Charlie's eyes widen, I cut him off.
"Yeah. My brother." I sigh and go into the hall and wait infront of the door.

Just as I walk in the hall my brother walks in the door.

"You're half an hour late." I say, Charlie stays in the kitchen.
"Didn't know you were timing me." David laughs and looks at me and smirks.
"Where's that boyfriend of yours? Mum said he was staying over last night."
"In the kitchen, don't annoy him, David."

David just gives me a nudge and walks into the living room. I walk over to Charlie and he gives me a pat on the head, I kiss his lips and sit him on the kitchen counter.

"Breakfast?" I ask, putting the kettle on.
"Yes, please!"

I make myself a ham and cheese toastie and Charlie a slice of toast with butter.

"Thank you."
"No problem."

Charlie pulls me into a kiss, it's deep.

"Get a room, mate!" David pretends to gag and pushes me out the way.
"You just aren't used to affection." I kiss Charlie's head and David smirks.
"Sad I got all the affection off of Dad, I think you two would've gotten along well."

That hit me like a brick and he knows it...

I grab my plate and run upstairs, I feel tears forming in my eyes. I hear Charlie yell at David.

A few seconds later, Charlie runs upstairs and spots me sitting on my bed, head in my hands, and my head in my knees.

"Are you ok?" Charlie comes over to me and rubs my back, it's comforting.
"I'd kill him if it was legal." I look at Charlie and he wipes my tears away.
"I love you, Nick. I hope you know that."
"I love you more." Charlie pulls me into a side hug and we start getting changed.

I hand Charlie some clothes and he goes into the bathroom.

I decide to text the groupchat.

                                                           PARIS SQUAD 🔒💗🏳️‍🌈

Nick- Sooooo, what r we actually doing today?
Tao- No idea
Aled- 🤷🏼‍♂️
Elle- No-one knows ig
Sahar- Yea I don't even know, Darcy usually tells me plans since she could not make plans for the life of her.
Nick- I guess we gotta just find out
Aled- 👍🏼
Tao- 👍🏼
Elle- 👍🏼
Sahar- 👍🏼

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