A drunken mistake.

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TW: Alcohol

Nick's POV:

I walk into Harry Greene's house, phone in hand, texting Sai.

"Nicholas! You came, mate!" Harry wraps his arm around my shoulder, holding a bottle of beer.
"Yeah, thought I'd catch up with everyone."

Harry let's go of me and points towards the kitchen which is, to no surprise, full of alcohol.

"Fancy a drink?" Harry asks, taking a sip of beer.
"Er-" I stutter.
"Come on, mate! It'll be fun!" Harry laughs and drags me into the kitchen.

I shouldn't drink. I know I shouldn't. But I do.

I pour myself a drink and talk to Sai.

"So, where's Charlie? Usually you two are clinging to each other at parties." Sai says, laughing.
"Oh. He's at a sleepover with his friends."

He walks away and goes to talk with another group.


It's 23:58 and mostly everyone's drunk, including me and Harry.

"Oi! Everyone! Let's play truth or dare, but if you say no you drink!" Harry announces, shouting over everyone talking.

I'm sitting on a chair in the living room, seeing as it's proving quite difficult to stand.

"Nick, mate! C'mon!" Harry walks up to me and pulls me up.

I wobble.

Everyone sits in a circle. Harry pours a bottle of Vodka into 20 different cups, some containing more than others.

He spins the bottle and it lands on me.

"Nicholas." He grins

Harry pauses and thinks before saying, "Truth or dare?"
"Lame. Who's your crush?"

He is very drunk if he doesn't remember that I've been in a year long relationship.

"Harry, mate. I've got a boyfriend." I huff.
"But, if you could date anyone in this room, who would it be?" He asks, grinning.
"Harry, c'mon."
"Mate, answer the question!" He laughs.
"No-one. I've been dating Charlie for a year, no-one can stop that.""
"Lameeee!" He whines.

Harry spins the bottle again and it lands on Violet.

Violet is different, she's kind of like Harry, very chatty and VERY popular. If I'm honest, she isn't a nice person. I mean, I did fancy her when I was 11 but that was years ago.

"Truth." She grins at Harry.
"Mm." Harry smirks. "Who do you fancy?"

There's a collective "Ooooo~" echoing in the room.

"Nice try." She goes to pick up a cup but stops.
"Changed your mind?" Harry looks at her, still smirking.
"Maybe so."
"Go on then."

I feel a hand press against my shoulder, I look beside me. Sai gestures his head towards Violet.

She's bites her lip, staring at me.

"What?" I ask, confused.

It takes a second before I realise.

I don't answer her, but just look at the floor.


Harry spins the bottle again, but this time everyone is VERY drunk.

"Violet, truth or dare?" Harry slurs his words.

Violet chuckles.


Harry looks at me and winks. I hate him.

"Make a move on your crush."

Violet just stares at him.

"I'll do you one better." She leans back and crosses her arms.
"Go on."
"I bet I can make him my boyfriend."

Everyone gasps.


Violet and Harry shake hands.

Everyone starts whispering, probably about who Violet is going to kiss.

"Well, how about we find out who I fancy, eh?"

All the boys in the room nod and say yes.

Desperate much?

"Come on then."

Everyone stares at each other menacingly.

"Well, well, well. He's in the room and he's on the rugby team." Violet looks at everyone, smirking.

God I hope it's not me.

"Everyone close your eyes." She teases. "And when I pat the floor twice, you can open your eyes."

Everyone nods and closes their eyes. But not me.

I look beside me to see if Christian has closed his eyes, he has.

Before I can react, a hand grabs my face and pulls it forward, kissing me.

The floor gets hit twice and everyone looks.

"Job done." She bows.

Everyone starts screaming and cheering.

Just great.

"Nick's dating Violet!" Harry chants.

Violet laughs, still looking at me.

"Nick, you're already famous!" Otis cheers, showing me his phone.

It's an Instagram post, of me and Violet kissing!!

"Mate! What is wrong with you!?" I yell and stand up.
"Come on, Nick! We were only joking!" Harry laughs.
"Harry, what don't you get!? I have a boyfriend and I have for the past year! Get that in your head, mate!" I roar, pointing at him.

I start walking out the room, but stop and turn to look at Violet.

"If my boyfriend sees that photo, my life is ruined." And I walk out of the house.


I park my car in the drive way and walk into the house.

"Hi, Nicky! Have you had a good night?" Mum asks, sitting at the kitchen table.
"How come?" She asks, tilting her head.
"A girl kissed me and Harry posted a photo on Instagram. And, yes, he was severely drunk."
"But Darling, that doesn't give him an excuse to do that."
"Has Charlie seen it?"
"I don't know." I mumble, making myself a tea.
"You'll be ok, Love. Won't you." Mum smiles.
"You going to bed?"
"I love you, Nicky. And whatever happens, I'm always here."
"Love you."

I walk upstairs and go into the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror, wondering why I let it happen. I turn the hot tap on and splash my face with it. It burns.

I walk into my room and throw myself into bed and under the covers.

I hate this.
I hate me.
I hate her.
I hate everyone.
But not Charlie.
I love Charlie.
Will he still love me?
I can only hope.
And hope.

I just need a little hope...

Please don't let this tiny little mistake ruin our relationship.


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