A Christmas kiss 😘🎄

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I've decided to write something a bit out of my comfort zone but I'm trying to write new things so here goes nothing I guess!

HI! I haven't fixed my sleep yet btw! I just keep getting ideas and then picking up my laptop and then for some reason I tell myself to forget about it and put it down. My brain is weird lol

ANYWAY, on with the story!!!!!!!!

Tori's POV:

I open my eyes and sit up, I look out my window and groan, my head shoots back into my pillow.

I start imagining stuff, I start imagining events my mother might host this Christmas.

I snap out of my daze when a see a bright light flicker from under my bed, it's my laptop. I reach under my bed and pull it onto my covers. I open it and click onto my google and scroll through my tabs, I notice a notification pop up on my screen, I've received an email from someone. An email? At 7:20? From who? I open the email and a wide smile plasters my face,  I rarely ever smile due to the fact that most of my family hate me, force me to 'act lady' like when I'd rather just wear a baggy shirt and cargos, and they make me socialise with strangers and go to parties with them. I read the message and grin.

Dear, Victoria, or should I say Tori.

My market stall has just restocked your favourite snacks/drinks, I've kept your FAVOURITE ones though so no worry! I hope you can come down to the town today, there's a few new stalls a bit down from mine if you'd like to come check it out? You should bring Charlie with you too! How is he by the way, I remember you told me he had gotten into a fight. If you two need anything I'm just down town!

Anyway, miss you already princess!

-Your boy, Michael xx

I know what you're thinking!

"Your boy?"

No. He isn't my boyfriend, and yes, I'm the princess, as I thought you would have caught on  already.

My mum, the Queen, is married to my father, the King. I have 2 younger brothers, Charlie, who is 16. And Oliver, who is 8. I'm the eldest, I'm 17.

Michael Holden. The boy from the markets. I met Michael last summer, mid July. We got on well and we started to form a friendship, I sort of knew him because him and his younger sister, Emily, own a stall down at the markets.


A few hours pass, I'm watching Pitch Perfect 3 on Netflix because that's how I feel.

I hear someone chap on my door and I shout for them to come in. It's the maid, Jessica.

"Victoria, the Queen is asking for you. And for the love of god, tidy your room!" Jessica says harshly while giving me a dirty look.
"Right. I'll be down in a minute." I scoff and put my laptop under my bed again.

I get out of bed and glance over at Jessica who is standing, arms crossed, in my doorway. I walk over to my dresser and pick out a brush and begin brushing my hair, I tie in in a braid down my back, I quickly open my window and Jessica scoffs.

"Hurry up, Victoria! I haven't got all day!" She yells.

I hate her. I've got my own maids. Cleo, who is 15, is my favourite, she's sweet, kind, and she actually takes interest in me. Her mum, Donna, is a very nice and caring woman, it's mostly Cleo who takes care of me though, Donna is usually helping my mum choose a dress or something. I don't get much attention in my family, I don't mind though. My brother, Charlie, has his own 'servants' as my grandmother calls them. I don't know much about them, except their names. Elio, who is 17, appears to be Charlie's favourite. And then we've got Cormac who has just turned 22.

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