Holiday🏖️ (Part 4)

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TW: Arguing, yelling, mentions of alcohol, mentions of past abandonment

Nick's POV:

Last night was rough, I was being way too dramatic.

"Mmm." Charlie groans, rubbing his face in my shoulder.

I smile forms across my face as I hear a someone chuckle.

I slowly push myself up so I'm sitting on my pillow. I pull Charlie up and he stays asleep on my lap.

"Hey. How you feeling?" Reine asks.
"Yeah, I'm ok." I say, playing with Charlie's hair.
"Good." Reine smiles at me.


Half an hour later, Charlie starts to wriggle around, meaning he's going to wake up soon.

"Morning, Char." I say, pushing his floppy hair out of his face.
"M-Morning." He yawns and softly kisses my hand.
"Love you." I kiss his forehead.
"I love you too."


Charlie and Molly have already went to get breakfast, leaving me and Reine upstairs.

"Nick." Reine taps my shoulder.
"Hm? Oh. Yeah, sorry." I go into my bag and give Reine her headphones.
"You alright? You keep spacing out." She gives me a slight frown.
"I'm fine."

I sigh and walk out the room and into the hall.

I walk downstairs and into the restaurant.

"Nick!" Charlie smiles at me as I walk through the doors.

I notice Charlie standing next to the bar. He's probably ordering breakfast.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist, not caring if anyone sees.

"Hi." He giggles.

I don't reply and kiss his cheek.

I'm really not in the mood to talk. Especially to Charlie. I'm scared I'll snap and upset I always do.

"You ok?" He asks, holding my hands against his stomach.
"Mm." I mumble, signalling that I don't want to talk.

Charlie nods his head.


After our food arrives, everyone starts talking.

"So, Nick. What's it like in Truham? Apparently you're the rugby captain?" Molly asks.
"Hm." I groan.
"I've got a little brother at Truham." Molly smiles at me.
"What year?" I ask, willing to speak.
"Year 12." 
"Oh! So, the same year as me." I cut a chunk out my french toast and give it to Charlie.
"Do you know Ben? Ben Hope?"

My heart drops.

"B-Ben?" I look at Charlie and look back at Molly.
"Yeah? Are you ok!?" Molly hands me a cup of water.

I get that sick feeling again. The feeling I get when someone mentions that monster.

"I- erm- I'll be back in a minute."

I stand up, push my chair in, and walk outside.

I sit on the benches out the front of the building.

Ben. Molly. Ben Hope. Molly Hope.

Charlie walks over to the bench I'm sitting on and sits beside me.

"You ok?" He asks.


"Nick? You ok, Darling?" Mum asks, snapping me out of my daydream.
"Mhm." I mumble and take a small bite out of my french toast.

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