A drunken mistake. (part 2)

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TW: Self-harm, blood

Charlie's POV:

I wake up and look around the room. Tao and Elle are still asleep.

I sit up and pick up my from the floor, going onto Instagram.

No new texts?

Why didn't Nick text? He said he'd text me after he got home from Harry's party.

I scroll through Instagram, just looking at photos from last night. It looked really fun! But one photo catches my eye.

Is...that Nick kissing someone!?

I scroll through the comments, just trying to find out what happened.

"HAHA! YES MATE!! Imagine what Charlie's going to think!! You're too good for him anyway!!!"


"I never thought Nick Nelson was a cheater 😂"


"For anyone who needs context: Violet fancies Nick and kissed him."



I continue scrolling through the comments, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Why would he cheat?
After a year...
He still cheated.

I start crying.

"Charlie?" Tao mumbles, still waking up.

I look at him, tears still rapidly streaming down my face.

"What's wrong!?" He climbs over the covers and crawls over to me, sitting beside me.

Elle gets up too.

"Charlie? Tao, what's going on!?" Elle panics.

I chuck my phone on the floor and just sob.

"Charlie, talk to us." Tao whispers, holding me close to him.

I don't answer. I just sob into my hands.

Tao moves his hand away from my back and looks at my phone. He stands up and Elle moves over to me, running her hand up and down my back.

Tao picks up my phone and scrolls up, looking at the photo.

"Elle..." Tao says, not looking away from my phone.

He turns the phone around and shows Elle.

"Oh, Charlie..." Elle sighs, clearly upset.

I start bawling my eyes out, choking on my on breath.

Tao immediately drops to his knees and kneels in front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I'll kill him." Tao mutters under his breath.
"Tao...enough." Elle stares at him angrily, still rubbing my back.


Even though I was supposed to go to Nick's house, I go home.

I unlock the door and go up to my room.

No-one's home.
Not even Tori.

I lie in bed, just thinking.

Did he cheat because of me?
Or was he bored?
Did he not love me anymore?
Did he even love me?

The thoughts spiral in my head, and before you know it, I'm sat on the bathroom floor, blade in hand.

You deserve this.


Tori's POV:

I walk home after staying at Becky's house.

I go to unlock the door, but it's already unlocked. Charlie and Nick must be here.

I go upstairs to my room and take out my phone.

I scroll through Instagram for a bit, just being nosy.

Harry Greene had another party last night. That's not surprising.


After scrolling through Instagram, I decide that I'll be a decent person today and do my makeup, seeing as me and Becky will probably be going out later again.

I go to open the door, but it's locked.

"Hello?" I knock on the door.
"T-Tori!?" A voice echoes through the door.
"Charlie, are you ok?"
"Charles, open the door."
"No!" He sounds scared.
"Charlie let me in."
"What's happened?"

And again, no answer.


After a few minutes of waiting at the door, I go downstairs and into the kitchen drawers.

Mum has all the keys in a box in the kitchen. Including the bathroom key.

I search through the drawers before finding the box in the bottom drawer.

The key is labelled, "Bathroom key, use for emergencies only"

Sorry Mum, but it's either this or a broken door.

I put the box on the counter and run upstairs.

"Charlie, I'm opening the door."

No answer.

I unlock the door and push it open, revealing my little brother, covered in blood.

"Charlie, what happened!? Where's Nick!?" I ask, most-likely screaming.
"He..." His voice trails off as he looks down at the floor.

Just as I'm about to ask him again, my phone buzzes.

I pick it up and see I've been tagged in a comment on Instagram.

"Isn't that your brother's boyfriend?"

The post is...a photo of Nick kissing a girl.

"Harry Greene, I'll kill you." I mumble.

I put my phone on the counter and kneel down in front of Charlie.

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."

I carefully pull him up and turn the tap on.

"This will-"
"Sting. I know..." he cuts me off.

I grab a towel and put it under the water before dabbing it on Charlie's wrists.

He winces.



Once I've put bandages on Charlie's wrist, I bring him into his room and sit him down on his bed.

"Are you ok?"

He looks away from me.

"Charlie, he loves you."
"Then why's he kissing Violet?"
"She's kissing him, Charlie."

He looks at me, confused.


I show him the photo and explain how he's being kissed and that he's clearly shocked by the looks on his face.

"Oh my God..." Charlie sighs, throwing his head in his hands. "I'm such an idiot!"

I tilt my head and look at him.

"I caused a fuss and he isn't even cheating." He laughs, sarcastically.

I chuckle.

"Want me to call him?" I ask, trying to comfort him.

He nods.


Nick's POV:

I haven't opened my phone since last night.

I'm lying in bed, just staring at the ceiling, when my phone starts ringing.

I pick it up, expecting it to be Harry.

But it's not.

It's Tori...

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