The one where they all meet.

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Francis' POV:

Aled is dragging me along to meet his friends, which I don't mind, but when you have two VERY annoying boys knocking on your door at 10AM, you kind of understand why I'd be annoyed.

"Francis!" I hear someone shout from outside the house.

Mum's at work so I'm being forced to open it.

I walk downstairs, still wrapped in my covers, and open the door.

"Dude. It's 10AM!" I groan, staring Aled in the eyes.
"What time do you wake up at?" Daniel laughs.

Ah, yes. Daniel Jun, Aled's secret boyfriend.

"Well, it's a Saturday so I usually get up at 4PM." I say, not bothering to argue.
"Wow. You're really lazy."

I laugh sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Can we come in or are you going to make us stand out here for longer?" Aled asks, shivering.
"Fine. But I've just cleaned my room, so no making messes!"
"We promise!"

I step to the side to let them in and close the door.


"Aled!! What should I wear? What are we even doing? And where are we going?" I ask as Aled completely ignores me.
"I think you should wear-" Daniel tries to speak but I cut him off.
"No. Shut up, Daniel. Your sense of fashion is terrible."

Aled laughs and walks up to me, picking out an outfit.

"Here. This'll work."

He hands me a pair of denim overalls, a white crop top with a bee on it, and a pair of yellow converse.

"You're a life-saver!" I scream and hug him.
"Your welcome."

I take the clothes into the bathroom and get changed. (I know! They're not even letting me use my own room to get changed!)


"Are you driving us?" I ask as I grab my bag from the floor.
"Unfortunately, yes." Daniel sighs.
"How sad."

And, yes. It's been a year and me and Daniel still hate each other.

"Get in, loser." Daniel smirks down at me, thinking he's funny.

Aled side-eyes me as I walk by him.

"Can't you two get along?" He asks.
"Nope." Me and Daniel say in sync.


Charlie's POV:

Aled is dragging us all along to meet his friend.

"Charles." Nick say, looking rather sly.

Nick looks down at me, smirking.

"Nicholas." I say, playing along.

Nick's already in his second year at Uni. How has that already happened? And yet, we're still together after 3 years.

He pulls me into a kiss, holding my head in front of his.

"Hurry it up, Lovebirds." Tao groans, clearing his throat.

We pull away and Nick kisses my cheek, messing up my hair with his hands.

"Nick!!" I squeal, getting into the passenger seat of his car. Tao, Elle, Tara, Darcy and Sahar get in too.


Francis' POV:

On the drive to wherever, Aled tells me to check Instagram to find his friends' profiles.

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