Chapter 14

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The sky was peppered in tiny flakes, that danced through the cool winter breeze. Finally it was Hogsmeade day and the little village was adorned for the festivities of December.

Clinging tightly onto Mary's arm, Hallie cursed every time she mislaid her foot on a stray piece of ice, only momentarily slipping, before looking around to see if anyone else had noticed.

Mary laughed, holding her arm tighter for support.

"Ugh my new shoes are completely and utterly ruined," Marlene complained, as she kept jumping at Sophia's back in the hopes that the brunette would feel the slightest bit of sympathy and carry her.

"Marlene, I don't care about your stupid shoes," Sophia muttered, waving her arms around feverishly. "Now leave me alone. You're like one of those stupid, annoying flies."

Marlene pouted, looking at each of the girls distastefully. "Whatever. You'll all come to respect your ladyship sooner rather than later," she added, gesturing adamantly to herself.

"Course we will Marls," Hallie teased earnestly.

Walking further through the village, the girls all marvelled at the decorations. At Christmas Hogsmeade was so homelike, provoking comfort from the warm honey glow of the lights to the snowy carpet that adorned every surface of the little village.

Finally through the vast amounts of snow, they reached Honeydukes - aka the best shop in the entirety of Hogsmeade. Marlene instantly grabbed Hallie's hand and dragged her straight into the shop, in an attempt to avoid Lily's motherly, nagging nature.

"Right," muttered Lily, as she followed the two blondes into the shop rapidly. "I need to stop these stupid children from buying the whole store."

Mary smiled cheekily, prodding Lily's cheek. "You mean your stupid children."

Lily huffed, but grinned nevertheless. "Yes Mary. My stupid children."

Honeydukes was the bane of Hallie Brennan's entire existence. Chocolate frogs? Sure. Bertie botts of every flavour beans? Yes please. Sugar quills? Absolutely!

"How many of these do you want Hals?" questioned Marlene, as she held up a pack of sugar quills, already twisting a red lollipop between her lips.

Hallie leant up against the wall, running a stray hand through her hair. "How many have they got?"

Marlene turned around and rifled through the shelf, unaware of the mess she was making as she flung packets across the shelf. "I'd guess about...24 packets."

"Magnifique," Hallie sighed contentedly, before moving to grab as many packets as she could possibly pile into her arms.

"Absolutely not," Lily intervened, moving towards Hallie's mountain of sugar quills in determination. Hallie, only now noticing the advancing redhead, moved backwards in alarm. "Hallie, you don't need all of them."

"I do," Hallie scoffed, turning so her back faced Lily, as though she were in a protective stance. "They will barely last me until the break." Lily raised her eyebrow questioningly. "Lils cmon," Hallie pouted. "Don't take my babies away from me."

"Hallie, that's a lot of money you're spending on useless stuff," Mary added, glancing at the raging pile of sweets in the girls arms - one knock and they'd all go falling to the floor.

"Useless Mary, really? You know Mary," Hallie added, as she slowly backed herself towards the counter, "your really ruining my good mood here. They're not useless. In three days maximum, these sugar babies here," she said, gesturing to her arms, "are going to have a nice new home in my stomach."

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