Chapter 9

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"Remus John Lupin," Hallie sang, lazily swinging her bag in her hand as she entered the library - a place Hallie vowed she would only enter under completely necessary means.

Hallie watched the boy curiously, taking in his posture; slouched and uncoordinated and lacking the formal approach Remus usually went for. Instead, his nose was wedged inside his DADA textbook; his eyes feverishly scanning the contents of the pages.

Remus looked up, evidently confused about Hallies presence in the Library. However, he didn't question it, instead plugging his ears with his fingers mischievously. "Jesus christ woman, get some vocal lessons."

"You know Remus, insulting a girl's singing voice is not very nice," Hallie huffed, taking a seat unannounced across from the boy. She picked up his parchment out of boredom. "Hey why are you doing this homework on werewolves now? Isn't it due like next week?"

Remus' expression was one Hallie couldn't quite determine. He seemed slightly miffed and almost angry at the girl - though Hallie couldn't presume why. Almost as if the gaze hadn't meant anything at all, Remus continued steadily along with his work, only looking up momentarily to capture the notes from his textbook. "Just getting a head start, that's all."

Hallie nodded her head, resting her chin lazily upon her hand. She picked up the parchment once more; her eyes roaming the page. "Werewolves are humans who transform once every full moon," she read off of Remus' sheet, unaware as the boy's face drained itself of its colour, leaving his skin a sickly white. "Werewolves don't have a choice.They are the evolution of a bite from another werewolf during a full moon. When one is bitten during the moon, they will become a werewolf and when one is bitten outside of the moon, they will remain human."

Hallie looked up, only now facing the heated gaze of the boy in front of her, whose eyes had narrowed significantly into slits of anger. Behind the hazel of his eye a storm raged, pooling his anger into livid glares. Hallie leaned back doubtfully. "Rem? Are you oka..."

"Just go away Hallie!" Remus sneered, jostling his shoulder angrily as though the real Remus was trying to control the storm that had bubbled up inside of him.

"Remus, what's wrong?"

"Don't give me that shit Brennan," he snapped again, each word laced with loathe and vexation. It was loud enough to cause several people to look over at the commotion. And usually Remus really wasn't one for a show. "You know what," Remus spoke again. "It really doesn't matter."

He quickly picked up his books, before shoving them rapidly in his bag. He traipsed as fast as his gangly legs could carry him out of the library, leaving Hallie sat at the now desolate table, unanswered questions swimming around in her head.

What had she done wrong?

How had she hurt him? 

Was it something she had said?

"Are you alright?" came a timid voice from behind her - any quieter and she wouldn't have heard her unexpected guest at all.

Hallie turned around, being met with a familiar face. Brooding and mysterious looks, dark and inexplicable features that were so naturally carved to perfection, the same stormy grey eyes that usually would make her anger boil. Only it wasn't who she had initially expected. It was almost a relief to Hallie that she didn't have Sirius Black standing in front of her.

"Regulus Black," the boy muttered quietly. Although he appeared shy and timid within his speech, only one look towards the 5th year and your perception would change completely. His piercing glare, that Hallie was now experiencing, made up for the initial assumption of vulnerability.

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