Chapter 24

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"Potter is an utter raging lunatic!" Sophia grumbled, trudging out of Potions with the four girls in tow. Hallie and Sophia had woken up yet again at the crack of dawn for James' training session, leaving the two girls utterly exhausted.

"Thursday morning training sessions don't bother me," Hallie said, stifling a yawn in the process. "What pisses me off is the other 2 school mornings I have to drag myself out of bed at the most ungodly hours of the day. This week we have trained four times already! And it's only Thursday..."

"He just wants the team to do well," Mary added, looping her arm through Lilys affectionately. "If Gryffindor lose, he'll take it harder than the rest of you, thinking he was the reason you guys lost."

"I never thought about it like that," Hallie muttered. Mary was right. If Gryffindor lost, James would blame himself for not being a good enough Captain. Even though any loss Gryffindor would ever receive would certainly never be James Potter's own fault.

The girls continued to walk in silence, until Lily brought up the recurring conversation about Snape once more. Hallie and Mary shared a concerning look of scepticism, not particularly enjoying the friendship between the snake and their best friend.

"Ugh, why are you still friends with him Lils," complained Marlene. Marlene was on another 'I don't like Snape rant and unfortunately Lily was having none of it.'

"He's nice Marlene," scoffed Lily, sending her red hair tumbling over her shoulder. "You guys just don't know him the way I do, that's all."

The five girls carried on walking in silence; the tension seemed so thick, even a knife wouldn't do it justice. Hallie walked further ahead with Sophia, her arm draped lazily across Hallie's shoulders. The Gryffindors had opted to spend their free period outside on the grounds, soaking in the warmth of the rays of the sun during the spring month.

"Uhhh guys," Hallie called wearily, as the other girls stepped forward sceptically. "Maybe we should study somewhere else..."

"What are you on about Hallie...oh."

Lily's face flushed angrily, a similar shade to the redness of her hair. Her expression was vexed and her eyes leered accordingly. Her look possessed a familiar enmity that the girls commonly saw when Lily was in the presence of one Marauder, and one Marauder only.


"Anyone who thinks we should follow her so she doesn't decapitate Potter's head, say ey," said Marlene, her eyebrows creased together in worry.

"Ey," the girls muttered unanimously, before sprinting after the threatening, deep strides of the redhead.

As the commotion came into view, Hallie wasn't at all surprised to find James at the centre of the problem. He had sent an impediment jinx at Snape, causing an intrigued crowd to form, encircling the two.

"Leave him alone!" Lily screamed, as she stormed over to the two boys. She was looking at James with every sign of dislike. "What's he ever done to you?"

The ever growing crowd had packed tighter together. Amidst the crowd, Hallie watched as Sirius was seen standing proudly at James' side, egging the boy on.

"Well," said James, appearing to deliberate his point. "It's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean..."

Many of the surrounding bystanders laughed, Sirius included, who only seemed to aid James' ego further.

Hallie rolled her eyes in annoyance, crossing her arms firmly across her chest. 'Why couldn't those two boys stay out of trouble for once in their lives.'

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