Chapter 28

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From that morning after the party, things slowly began falling back into the usual routine.

The girls had forgiven the two boys pretty soon after the party, however both James and Sirius were still acting extravagantly in order to fully make up for what they did and to express their regret.

Elijah was experiencing a new sort of hellfire from the boys, who were pranking him left, right and centre. From temporary dyed green skin to hair growth charms, he hadn't ventured out of his common room for days. And Hallie was more than grateful.

As for Luca, he hadn't even glanced in Hallie's direction since that night. Hallie should have been annoyed at him for the sudden silence or more so for the stunt he pulled the night of the party - yet all Hallie felt was relief. She was more than happy steering clear of his presence entirely.

And of course with Flora Alliss and her dutiful minions, the rumour about the supposed 'love triangle' had spread around the entire school. So for the week following the Gryffindor party, Hallie had questions coming from all directions.

"So which one of them are you dating then?" Michael Andrew asked, as he trailed after the Veela helplessly.

Hallie rolled her eyes, pushing through the crowds in an eager attempt to be rid of his presence. "Neither."

"That's a relief," he sighed as he finally cornered the girl, leaving the blonde to glance around helplessly for an escape route. "So..." he said nervously, running a distressed hand through his hair. "Uhhh...hi."

"You know you didn't have to corner me to say hi," Hallie spoke moodily, pushing forward to move past him, before he stopped her hurriedly.

"No uhhh that's not why I cornered you," he added as Hallie finally gave in, leaning her back up against the wall.

Michael looked down towards his shoes, with his face screwed up nervously. If Hallie hadn't known the question coming, she would have thought he was merely constipated.

"I was wondering if you wanted to...I don't know...go on a date with me?"

Hallie stared blankly towards the boy in front of her, watching as his hands wrung themselves together nervously. "Umm listen, I'm really sorry," she spoke as sincerely as she possibly could. "I really can't right now. With everything going on..."

"Oh right, yeah I understand," he interrupted, moving backwards without much of a hesitation. "I'll...I'll see you Brennan."

Hallie watched as the helpless boy began to mutter hurriedly under his breath as he walked away. "Shoot your shot, they said. It will go well, they said."

Hallie rubbed her temple, resting her head back against the wall. She felt bloody awful.

"Hallie Brennan, Hogwarts' official heartbreaker," came the echoing voice of Sirius from across the hall.

Hallie kept her eyes glued shut. "I think that's your title actually."

She grinned softly to herself, finally peeling her eyes open. Sirius stood in front of her, in his official rule-breaking attire. In replace of his cloak, Sirius wore his black leather jacket over his school shirt and a pair of black sunglasses over his eyes.

Hallie laughed slightly, taking in his appearance. Only he could pull off a look so extravagant and stupid at the same time - looking bloody good in both instances. "You look like a dork."

Sirius pulled his glasses down to perch on the end of his nose. "I'm a sexy dork though."

He pushed his glasses back up his nose, as the two began walking down the corridor. Since the morning in the common room, the two did what they did best - forgetting the entire ordeal. It suited Hallie fine, for she was more than grateful to have one less thing to worry about.

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