Chapter 2

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Not soon after, the train passed through the grassy mountains of Scotland, lurching over each jump in the track. A mist hung eerily low over the tracks, so the girls could no longer distinguish anything from outside the window.

Hallie tore away her gaze with a sigh and jumped up, grabbing Marlene roughly by the hand. "I need food," she spoke monotonously.

"I need food," she mimicked, with a small giggle. "You know Hallie, for someone so tiny you do eat like a horse."

"You mother fu..." Hallie started, instantly catching Lily's glare, as she raised her eyebrows towards the blonde expectantly, "...trucker."

"Real smooth Brennan," Marlene commented quietly. "Real smooth."

Hallie followed Marlene down the train, eager to get away from the constant nagging from Lily Evans - though Hallie knew without Lily, she wouldn't be sane.

Hallie was also thankful for having the taller blonde, who was able to convince several groups of students to get out of her way as they made their way further through the carriages.

Finally the two girls came into the clear, causing Hallie to walk up beside Marlene, eagerly discussing quidditch strategy, to which Marlene seemed deeply unamused.

Without looking up, Hallie felt a hard thud across her shoulder as another collided with her own. Unfortunately, Hallie took the opportunity to turn around, being met with a person she didn't particularly want to see.

Sirius Black. 


Ladies man.

The Marauders, in Hallie's opinion, were generally a rather nice group of boys. Sirius Black on the other hand was a completely different breed of man - if you were to even consider him one.

Looking up, Hallie noticed he had gotten taller, more haughty-looking and his hair had grown even longer, falling to cover his eyes. Sirius had a natural elegance that she couldn't quite describe; almost as if he was trying to combat the bad boy look, with his black ripped jeans and a pretty boy, with his aristocratic facial features.

She had overhead Flora Alliss telling her friend that Sirius Black resembled a sort of God in her eyes. As much as Hallie hated Flora Alliss and despised Sirius Black, she had to partially agree that he was a fairly attractive specimen.

At the end of the summer, after the Potters had left the Brennan's estate in France, Dom had received a letter from Effie stating that Sirius Black had officially run away from home. The news came as a shock - after all James had said so adamantly on multiple occasions that Sirius would never leave.

But here he was, back to how he used to be and how he used to act, as though nothing in the summer had ever happened. Truthfully, Hallie had initially planned to cut the guy some slack, throw him some sympathy and be more tolerable. But looking at him now, that Sirius Black grin gracing his lips, she decided against it.

A week or two with James really does that to a person.

"Hello ladies," Sirius smirked, playing it off and shoving his hands into his back pockets. "You know you didn't have to bump into me to get my attention Brennan?"

Hallie scoffed, turning to face Marlene who rolled her eyes feverishly.

"Maybe if you opened your damn eyes and watched where you were going then you'd also realise I don't want your attention," Hallie replied swiftly, grabbing Marlene's hand and dragging her in the opposite direction to the boy.

"I know I'm irresistible Brennan," he called, causing a group of students coming in the opposite direction to stop and watch the commotion.

"Given how quickly she wanted to get away from you," Marlene shouted over her shoulder, "doesn't exactly show that, does it?"

Troubled Love║Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now