Chapter 22

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The 27th of March had been imprudently etched into Hallie Brennan's brain since the day she had been born. Not because Hallie cared that it marked another sacred milestone for one of her dearest friends, but because James Potter would never ever let her forget it.

"It's my birthday!" he screeched enthusiastically, throwing himself down onto the bench with little care. Hallie, who had been previously enjoying the rutilant sunrays that accompanied the spring weather, looked towards James with extreme distaste.

"You informed me of this an hour ago," the girl quipped, tucking her hair comfortably behind her ear. "And the hour before that and the hour before that one..." she continued, watching as James shook his head jovially. "To be honest Jamsie," Hallie added, letting a malevolent smirk rest mirthlessly upon her lips. "I really don't think anyone has quite noticed."

"You're bloody hilarious Hals, you really are," James responded, tugging on her cloak childishly. "But I'm bored," he whined, as Hallie finally looked up from her book, scanning the grounds in confusion. "And before you ask," James added, noticing the girl was looking for his dutiful companions, "the boys are planning something, don't know what. Which means I'm bored out of my mind Hallie! It's a crisis!"

"Wow," Hallie added, rolling her eyes humorously. "I'm seriously panicked by all this. I really am." She patted James on the shoulder jocosely. "Well good luck to you mate," she added, looking back down to her book once more.

"Hallie," whined James again, snatching the book from her hands in frustration. He seemed to take his irritation out on poor Jane Eyre, as he lobbed her crudely across the courtyard.

"James!" Hallie hissed, grabbing his arm so he couldn't run after the book to lob it once more. "That's Lily's!"

James' smile faded, as he walked over to the book solemnly, taking it gently between his hands like a mother caressing her baby.

"At least I didn't damage it," he mumbled, examining each page for any impending signs of destruction. He stared at the cover for a while, before he looked up towards Hallie skittishly. "Do you reckon if I read this, Lily would talk to me about it?"

Most, when James Potter talked about his infatuation with Lily Evans, would laugh in his face immediately - like he was saying it as some crude joke to be humorous. But Hallie knew the deepness and tenderness of his feelings towards Lily. In fact, Lily Evans was one of the only things Hallie had ever seen James so blatantly serious about.

Hallie would never laugh at him over his fondness of the girl, because she knew how much it pained James after every rejection, every shatter of hope she left him with.

James really had done wrong on so many occasions, leaving Lily Evans seething at the mere sight of him. On these occasions, Hallie knew he had taken the wrong approach at successfully stealing the redhead's heart.

Even James, who at times was oblivious to everything around him, knew when he had overstepped his boundaries with the girl he cared most dear for.

In the last few months of so, James had given Lily a new approach in acting courteously towards her. He no longer overemphasised his adoration through grand schemes such as songs and love declarations. Instead, he tried winning her heart through small talk and subtle compliments, that even Hallie noticed was having a rather different effect upon the girl.

Hallie knew deep down that the two were inevitably destined for love. Call it her sixth sense if you will.

Hallie watched James again as he stared blankly towards the book, though Hallie knew a hundred thoughts were running through his head.

"I'll lend it to you if you want," Hallie said softly, noticing as his small smile widened considerably.

James sighed, his once beaming grin deflating in an instance. "Nah. To be honest Hallie, I really can't be asked to actually read it. Don't get me wrong, I really like Lily. But to read a book for her..." he said slowly, scepticism laced in his tone. "That might be taking it a little too far. Don't you think?"

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