Chapter 21

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The first evening of March rolled around, swamped with shedloads of untouched homework. Hallie had spent the previous few evenings up late studying, both in the common room when she could and even in the library.

Hallie hurried out of the library, balancing a precarious amount of books in her arms. She had taken the initiative to check the books out before the weekend, for she knew with the amount of training James had planned for the upcoming match, she wouldn't have time to do so.

Hallie was starting to wish she had brought Lily alongside her, as she struggled to steady the stack of books in her arms. She blindly made her way down the corridor - the books covering her vision completely.

"Alright Brennan?" chortled the deep, masculine voice of the 6th Year Slytherin. Hallie heard Evan Rosier's quickening strides across the stone floor; two more in rhythm with his own.

Hallie kept her gaze firmly in front of her, eager to avoid a rash confrontation with the Slytherin. Rosier didn't seem as eager to avoid it, flicking his wand easily to send the stack of books tumbling to the floor. Hallie turned around angrily, catching sight of Evan Rosier, with his two dutiful minions stood proudly on either side of him.

"Leave me alone," Hallie grumbled, beginning to pile the books back into the safety of her arms. She stood up, instantly feeling intimidated as Rosier brought his face to her level, smirking devilishly towards her pink lips.

"How are you darling?" came his gruff voice, lewdly winking towards the veela. He looked downwards, noticing a few stray books still lay on the stone floors. "Why'd you drop 'em?"

Hallie looked towards the faces of his two companions, noticing the taller, more lean-looking one was eyeing her body up and down. He had dark eyes and a sickly smile that matched the whiteness of his skin.

Rosier and his cronies laughed maliciously, taking in the reddening face of the blonde girl. "Fuck you," Hallie hissed, moving backwards from his threatening strides.

"I wish you would Brennan," he smirked lecherously. "I definitely wouldn't disappoint you. You can come with me right now. I'd show you a fucking good time."

"Go to hell," she repeated, disregarding the rest of the books that lay scattered across the hallway. She fastened her strides in the opposite direction to the group; her heart pummelling violently within her chest.

"Come on Brennan! One night," Rosier laughed, pressing after her daringly. "I can't go for two Brennan, no matter how much you love it. I can only sully my bed with a blood traitor once after all. I cannot tarnish the name of Rosier too much..."

"I've told you to leave me alone!" she said again, angrier and even more irate. "Stop bothering me!"

"How am I bothering you?" Rosier smirked, sending the veela a cornish smile.

"She's told you to leave her alone Rosier, so do as the girl says," came the voice of Sirius as he rounded the corner. From behind him, James and Remus followed dutifully, their wands tightly wielded within their grasps.

"Do these lunatics just follow you everywhere?" Rosier gestured to the trio, as Sirius came and stood beside Hallie, his hand placed delicately on the small of her back.

"Are your two sidekicks with you so much that they have to watch you piss too?" James questioned, causing Hallie to have to refrain herself from laughing.

Rosier leered his eyes maliciously. "Don't get yourself fucking involved Potter, or you'll..."

"Is everything alright Mr Rosier?" came the voice of Slughorn, who furrowed his eyebrows at the two groups of opposing students - each with their wands pointed directly at the other's chests.

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