Chapter 40

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A few days later, Hallie finally worked up the courage to leave the safety of Gryffindor tower, walking alongside Sophia and Sirius towards McGonagall's office.

"People are staring," she whispered, keeping her head held low to avoid the piercing gazes of students milling aimlessly about the halls.

"Then let them stare," Sophia replied, giving the veela's hand a friendly squeeze. "They have nothing better to gossip about. Trust me. They're just doing it for the attention."

Soon enough, the trio had reached McGonagall's office, in time for a yearly chat about the future. In past years, it hadn't really mattered what job you wanted to pursue - you always had another year to change your mind.

Now it was like their futures were calling out to them. The 7th years only had one year left and then they were to fend for themselves out in the world. And that thought worried Hallie more than in the slightest.

"Mr Black," McGonagall called out, poking her head around the door. She quickly caught Hallie's eye and subtly nodded her head - obviously slightly surprised that the girl had turned up.

Sirius picked himself off the wall, before sauntering into McGonagall's office, throwing an unsubtle wink over his left shoulder.

"What was that?" Sophia instantly questioned, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She watched Hallie carefully, as the girl looked down at her hands.

Hallie was confused. More confused than she had ever been in her life. Sirius Black had kissed her, whilst she had been crying to him about her Dad. She had been upset and anguished, yet somehow the moment he had kissed her that soon vanished. It had just been the two of them - alone with their sorrows. Two broken people needing the other to help them mend.

"Absolutely nothing," was all Hallie could mutter, glancing wearily towards Flora Alliss, who was talking in hushed whispers to a group of Hufflepuffs; every few seconds she would cast her eyes over to Hallie.

"Can you stop shit talking me!" Hallie spoke angrily, causing Flora to turn around in alarm. "Do it in your own fucking time if your really that boring and have nothing better to talk about. Don't do it while I'm standing right in front of you!"

Flora opened her mouth to mutter what Hallie would have liked to have thought was an apology, however the office door soon opened again, which caused Hallie to look over, watching as Sirius waltzed out.

"Miss Brennan."

Hallie took one last glance over her shoulder, before she entered McGonagall's office, closing the door with a deafening bang behind her.

"Take a seat Miss Brennan," McGonagall instructed, taking a gracious seat at her desk.

Hallie nodded, sitting down opposite the older woman, as she poured the two a tea into rather quaint-looking teacups.

"First of all Miss Brennan," McGonagall spoke, clearing her throat modestly. "I want you to know that I am always here for you if you need me."

Hallie looked up, slightly bewildered. The woman took her time, choosing her words correctly. "I lost my Father not much older than you are. He was a muggle, but even then I loved him dearly. You may feel completely alone Miss Brennan," she said softly, the kindness in her voice made Hallie's heart physically hurt. "But there are people who you can always confide in; people who you can trust. People who understand what this feeling is and what it actually feels like."

Hallie silently took her words to heart, nodding her head with a small smile. "Thank you Mins. Trust me, that means a lot."

McGonagall smiled towards the Gryffindor softly, before jostling with the papers at her desk. "Now we need to talk about your career. Have you got any ideas about what you would like to pursue? Is it still an Auror like last year or have you explored a new route?"

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