Chapter 30

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"When I next see Samuels, I'm going to wedge my fist in his eye," Marlene growled angrily, pounding her fist against her hand.

When Hallie had told the girls about what Elijah had said, they all instantly came to her defence - just like Hallie knew they would. Only the five girls didn't need to get any kind of deceitful revenge; Sirius placing Elijah in the hospital wing had already sorted it.

"It was nice what Black did for you though Hals," Lily acknowledged, raising her eyebrow suggestively.

Hallie chose to ignore the gesture, knowing the girl was suspecting something that wasn't even there. "It was nice of him," Hallie smiled softly, missing the glance over her head between the blonde and the redhead. "According to Moony, Samuels was making a big deal in the hospital wing. Sirius reckons he heard him crying too."

The girl was in a far better mood than she had been the previous day. Sirius' words had played on her mind the entire night, leaving the girl extremely sleep deprived on their first day of exams.

"What else is new Brennan? You call Black by his first name now. You've started calling the boys by their weirdo nicknames too," Marlene added in suspicion, casting her eyes to the blonde, who merely shrugged her shoulders.

"Those nicknames aren't that bad Marls. I've just got into a habit of using them I guess."

Not bad?" the girl exclaimed with wide eyes. "Last year you said Moony sounded like the name of a pornstar."

Hallie shook her head, a vivant smirk resting upon her lips. "I still stand by that claim actually McKinnon."

"I can't wait to tell Moony that one Brennan," came the voice of Sirius Black, loud and joculous as it bellowed across the room. He quickly ran up beside the girl, sweeping her off the ground with ease.

"Sorry ladies but I'm stealing Hallie for a little while. Marauders orders," he grinned, repositioning the girl in his arms, so she was flung over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" Hallie shouted, kicking her legs childishly. Sirius quickly turned on his heel, carrying the girl towards the east wing of the castle. "I mean it Black! Put me down!" 

Lily and Marlene waved delightedly from behind, as Hallie continued to grumble unenthusiastically.

"No can do trouble," Sirius enthused, walking quicker down the more crowded corridors. He began to tread more cautiously, scared to slip up with the girl balancing precariously on his shoulder.

Once Hallie got past her first wave of annoyance, it suddenly deteriorated upon seeing how easily he was carrying her. Damn he was strong.

'Quidditch was doing absolute wonders for his body,' she thought, casting her gaze further downwards. 'Ooo, he also had a rather nice bum...'

"Enjoying the show?" Sirius teased, upon noticing her sudden silence, that was accompanied with her sudden end to her writhing body and kicking feet.

"Trust me honey, I've seen far better," Hallie called jovially from over his shoulder. "You should see Fabian Prewitts. He's got a nice arse."

"Not as good as mine," Hallie heard Sirius mutter bitterly, as he tightened his grip around her legs. Sirius somehow managed to carry the girl down an extended flight of stairs, leading the two past Dumbledore's office.

Hallie grinned mischievously, reaching down to smack her hand against his arse. She felt Sirius jolt from beneath her, causing Hallie to cackle out in laughter.

"That was violating!" Sirius blithered, heat instantly rushing to his cheeks. He was more than glad that the girl couldn't see it.

"Okay..." Hallie drawled out, letting her body go lip once more in his grasp. "I'll never do it ever again."

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