Chapter 31

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"Welcome to our final quidditch match of the year everybody!" screamed Fabian Prewitt, momentarily quieting the crowd before a loud rupture of screams and clapping could be heard.

"I'm shitting myself right now," Sophia whispered, as Hallie held her hand supportively. The team had lined themselves up in the tent, ready to fly out for the final match of the year.

"Trust me, so am I."

"Now how do you think this match will go Mr Prewitt?" Fabian asked his twin brother amusedly. Hallie could almost picture McGonagall's head, resting disappointedly in her hands behind the two.

"I think it's going to be a very tricky match if I do say so myself Mr Prewitt," Gideon replied jocularly. "Though I do say, I don't think the sea of blue stands any chance against the notorious and bloodthirsty Gryffindors!"

The shouts and cheers from the Gryffindors in the stands became even more prominent, however the same couldn't have been said from the changing rooms.

Fawley's face was masked over in a sickly white, looking as though he could throw up at any moment. From beside Hallie, she noticed Sophia wasn't looking much better. Hallie sighed, giving her friend's hand another reassuring squeeze.

"Alright team," James finally spoke, bringing the Gryffindors into a small huddle. "Now as a team we have come so far over the last year. We have defeated both the Slytherin and the Hufflepuff teams easily and now we only have one target left. You put your all into this game and we will come out of this match winners, with the Quidditch cup in our hands. You understand me?" James demanded, as the Gryffindors all nodded their heads in pursuit. "Now hands in," James commanded, watching as the players all followed his command. "Now on three. One, two, three...Gryffindor!" the team screamed, before grabbing their brooms and taking to the pitch one by one.

"And here we have the Gryffindors!" Fabian hollered excitedly, as Gideon cheered from beside him. "We have the beautiful Sophia Briars and the powerhouse, also known as Lucas Meedley as our Beaters!"

"And here he comes!" Gideon took over. "The devilishly handsome Sirius Black as our number one keeper!" 

"We have the fantastic duo of Geoffrey Fawley and Arthur Browne, the newest members on this sacred team!" Fabian bellowed. Hallie could faintly distinguish the voice of McGonagall, whispering quietly from behind them; the microphone projecting her whispers into the crowd.

"And here she is folks! The gorgeous Hallie Brennan!" Gideon announced proudly, as Hallie finally mounted her broom and kicked off from the ground. She was met with the entirety of the school out to watch the match, bearing a contrast of colours from the deepest of blues to the most brilliant of reds.

"Finally we have our valiant leader and the most perfect seeker Hogwarts has ever seen...James Potter everyone!"

Hallie clapped wildly as James flew out onto the pitch and into position. Hallie tightened her gloves securely around her wrists.

She couldn't remember much else before the whistle sounded, signalling the beginning of the match.

"Brennan has instantly secured the quaffle as she makes her way down the pitch!" Fabian shouted, as Hallie kept the quaffle tucked securely under her arm. Hallie managed to dodge in between two Ravenclaw players that had flown directly towards her, with absolutely no intention of stopping.

"Brennan passes the quaffle over onto Browne, who passes the right shoulder of Gudgeon easily! You Ravenclaws need to try harder if you want to vanquish this team!" Gideon screamed excitedly.

"Mr Prewitt!" McGonagall warned, placing firm hands on her hips.

"Yeah yeah," Gideon dismissed before standing up further on his toes. "Would you look at that! Brennan is once again in possession and...she scores! That is 10-0 to Gryffindor!"

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