Chapter 37

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Two weeks had passed since the Gryffindors, along with the Potters, had left France. The day was a flurry of sadness and the repetitive promise to write to each of them for the remainder of the summer.

Hallie was finding sleep, yet again, to be an impossible mission in itself. Her Dad was still under confidential means in the Auror Department, so Hallie still had no real idea where he was or how he was doing. Dominic Brennan had been away for over 6 weeks now. 6 weeks of nothing. Not one single letter.

Hallie was completely terrified for him - the dark forces were not to be meddled with. These 'death eaters' the prophet talked about seemed to be barraging around and killing anyone in their vicinity.

Hallie knew he was expertly guarded and well trained, but that didn't stop a young girl from worrying about her Father. Her Father was the only biological family she had left.

Hallie walked into the kitchen in a pair of shorts and a cropped shirt, sitting herself on the island as she opened the mail from her friends. Hallie affectionately rubbed the chin of Lily's owl, taking the letter from its beak.


Hey Hals

I hope you're having a good rest of your summer and the step monster isn't driving you too crazy.

Your Dad will be fine Hals, I know he will. You have just got to believe and take each day as it comes. He's an extremely talented wizard. He knows what he's doing.

I've just seen in the Daily Prophet about the Abbotts. It's so horrible. I could never imagine losing my parents like that. I feel so bad for Amelia, I can't even begin to think how she's feeling.

It makes me so angry. They were muggles and had no way to defend themselves. What if my parents were in that situation Hallie? They wouldn't know how to protect themselves. They're muggleborns after all. And even if  I was at home, I don't think I'd know how to protect them either.

Anyways I better stop writing as mum's calling me for dinner.

I love you Hals

Stay safe

Lily x



Dear Lily

Lily Evans, I promise you that they will never touch even a single red strand of hair on your pretty little head and if any of those bastards try to then I will kill them then and there. I'd be willing to kill for you.

Your family are safe Lils, you have nothing to worry about. Plus you have me, your little blonde friend to protect you. Deadly blonde friend Lils.

Dad said he'd send me a letter but hasn't yet, so I'm still waiting. I'm sure he'll be fine, it's just really hard not to worry about him. Without him I don't know what I'd do.

Hope Petunia is not being too much of a brat.

I love you Lils 

Love Hallie x


Hallie finished scribbling a response to Lily, before passing her owl back the letter she had sealed with an emerald wax stamp. It chirped eagerly, taking the letter in its beak before flying off and out of sight.

Hallie smiled blissfully, taking the letter from James' owl, who squawked appreciatively as she offered it food from a bowl on the window ledge.

Hallie tore open the letter eagerly.

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